Mrs. Bell Notes



Posted: October 12, 2021

Hello to my wonderful kindergarten kids!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Here are some things you can try as you are learning from home today:

Language Arts

·         Story:

·         Listen to the song: Thanksgiving Feast on youtube

·         Writing activity.  Draw and label what you had for Thanksgiving Dinner.  What is something traditional like turkey, or something different? 

·         Listen to the song: Thanksgiving Dinner on youtube

·         Calendar on leader

Math: Check out the new Splash Math program.  I will post the info for that in a separate note.

Zoo Phonics: Listen to the song, Zoo-phonics Signals and Sounds on youtube- and Who Let the Letters Out Remix Zoo Phonics Song with hand signals

You and Your World: Fire Safety: This week we are going to be talking about Fire Safety. Throughout the week explore Sparky’s Fire safety site


Posted: October 6, 2021

Speaking and Listening

Listen to a story on


Have an adult read a book to you.

What was your story about?

Then you can do your calendar on



Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Practice the letter names

Practice the letter sounds and listen to our Zoo Phonics song



Practice your books that are in your homework folder.



Practice printing your name.  Use proper pencil grip and letter formation. **Capital letter at the beginning, followed by lowercase.



Working on counting skills.  Some ideas for counting:

When you get a snack, count how many goldfish are in your bowl.

When you’re building with Lego, count the pieces you need or the pieces you used. 

Practice number id and listen to this song


Celebrate Thanksgiving and listen to There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey!

Posted: September 1, 2021

All drop off and pick ups are at Door B (Kindergarten First Day is the exception to this, please see our post below))
Morning Drop off is 7:50 - 8:25. Prior to 7:50 there are no teachers on duty.
We encourage students to be as independent as possible. If you need to get out of the car with your student, please park in the parking lot and walk them to the door.
Dismissal begins at 2:55. Students will not be released unless the duty teacher has visual confirmation of the adult picking up the child.
The safety of our students is our number one priority. Please drive carefully and slowly in the loop. And please note, the loop is a No Passing Zone.
The Posted Speed Limit on King Street During School Hours is 30KM/H

Posted: May 18, 2020

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend!! Here are some ideas for Week 7 of home learning. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at  


Speaking and Listening

*Listen to a story on https://www.storylineonline.netOR have an adult read a book to you OR choose from the following activities:


*Interview members of your family and ask them what they like and dislike about spring.

*Play telephone. Take turns whispering a sentence in a family member’s ear. The person listening has to repeat what they heard.

*Ask a family member to play Simon Says. Take turns being Simon.


*Listen to these songs about rhyme:


* Have fun doing your calendar on



*Let’s review vowels (a, e, i, o, u):

Listen to the vowel songs:

Write down the names of your family members.  Circle and count the vowels in each name.


Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:                                                                                            

Review your letters on              =================================================================

Sight Words

*Using old newspapers or magazines cut out the letters needed to build 3 of your sight words and build them.

*Sight Word hopscotch: Create a hopscotch board.  Write sight words in the squares and call out the words before you hop on the square.


Review your A - C Level sight words:

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos

Level A song: htps://

Level B song:

Level C song:


If your child knows the A-C sight words, they can try the D-F sight words:

day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, your,

all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with,

came, have, help, next, now, one, some, then, was, what.

Level D song:

Level E song:

Level F song:


If your child knows the D-F sight words, they can try the G-H:

didn’t, don’t, eat, from, give, good, make, of, out, saw, were, when,

again, because, could, does, every, laugh, many, new, night, very, walk, why.

Level G:

Level H:



* Grab some books and a blanket and read outside on the lawn.


*Continue using Raz-Kids. Be sure to “read” the books, and not just “listen” to the books. 

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.


Writing ideas

* What is your favourite animal?  Draw a picture and label the body parts. Write 1 or 2 sentences

about the animal. Ex: Butterflies eat nectar. They can fly.

* Read or listen to a non-fiction book about your favourite animal. If you do not have a non-fiction book you can find lots on youtube. Just search non-fiction book about the animal you chose. Draw a picture and write one new thing you learned about the animal.


Remember to sound out the words you do not know and put your spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!



Choose from some of the following suggestions:

Representing numbers

*Listen to the song I Can Show Numbers in So Many Ways.

Then choose your 2 favourite numbers between 1-10 and show them in as many ways as you can.

Number Lines

*Listen to the Number Line Song.

Create a big number line. Practice placing numbers in the correct order. Talk about the numbers that come before/after. Practice counting forward and back.

Practice questions:

One More and One Less

*Listen to the One More and One Less songs. (one more) (one less)

Practice questions:


Continue using Splash Math

Step 1: go on or download the SplashLearn iPad App

Step 2: select Class

Step 3: enter JADRYK

Step 4: select your name

Step 5: enter password: math

Choose and activity and enjoy!


Posted: May 10, 2020

This week I would love to see your sweet faces!  I miss you so very much! Take a pic and send it to my email address or private message me on Facebook.  With your permission, I'll share them here, on my teacher page on our school's website. 

Thank you for all you are doing at home!!! 

Here are some ideas for Week 6 of Home Learning. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at


Speaking and Listening

*Listen to a story on OR have an adult read a book to you OR choose from the following activities:

* Let’s review syllables:

* Listen to these songs about syllables

* Say a word. Clap, jump or stomp out the syllables.


* Let’s review rhyme:

* Listen to these songs about rhyme:

* Say a word. See how many words you can think of that rhyme with that word.

* Have fun doing your calendar on



Find objects in your house that begin with the letters j, l, w and z.  Write or draw a picture of some things you find.

Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Review your letters on


Sight Words

Review your A - C Level sight words:

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos

Level A song: htps://

Level B song:

Level C song:


If your child knows the A-C sight words, they can try the D-F sight words:

day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, your, all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with, came, have, help, next, now, one, some, then, was, what.

Level D song:

Level E song:

Level F song:


If your child is having trouble with any of the sight words they can build the word with playdoh, rainbow write it (print the word tracing it in many different colored crayons), print them in the driveway with chalk or cut the letters out and practice building the word and mess it up and build it again. 



* Read a book to a stuffed animal or pet.

* Call a friend or family member and read to them.


*Continue using Raz-Kids. Be sure to “read” the books, and not just “listen” to the books.  You will gain points when you “read” the books. 

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.


Writing ideas

* Find food packages in your house, like crackers or cookies. Circle or write down all the sight words that you can find on the packages.

* Ask a family member what their favourite food is? Draw a picture of it.

* What is your favourite food?  Draw a picture of it and write a sentence about what makes it your favourite food!


Remember to sound out the words you do not know and put your spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!



Choose from some of the following suggestions: 

*Counting songs:


*Try some of these fun math games:

They will help you compare quantities by matching and counting, etc.


*If you had 3 apples and you gave 2 away…. would you have any apples left? If so, how many?


*Compare the number of forks, knives, and spoons in your house.

Are there more forks, knives, or spoons?

Which group of utensils has the most?

Which group of utensils has fewest?


*You can also try out SplashLearn.  The information you need to go onto it is further down my teacher page.


Posted: May 7, 2020

Mothers Day 2018 Clipart

Sunday, May 10th is Mothers Day.  I would like to wish all the special ladies out there a very happy Mother's Day. Thank you for all you do for us!  We love you!!!  I hope you enjoy your very special day together!!!

Here are some stories you can watch together:

Posted: May 3, 2020

I hope everything is going well with you and your family.  I hope you are getting a chance to enjoy the warmer weather!

Here are some ideas for Week 5 of Home Learning. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at


Speaking and Listening

*Listen to a story on https://www.storylineonline.netOR have an adult read a book to you OR choose from the following activities:

* Practice reciting Nursery Rhymes like Itsy Bitsy Spider and Jack and Jill. What are the rhyming words you hear?

*Name 3 things that rhyme with cat.  Name 3 things that rhyme with dog.


Have fun doing your calendar on



Find objects in your house that begin with the letters h, k, n and p.  Write or draw a picture of some things you find.

Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Review your letters on


Sight Words

Review your A - C Level sight words

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos

Level A song: htps://

Level B song:

Level C song:


If your child knows the A-C sight words, they can try the D-F sight words

day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, your, all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with, came, have, help, next, now, one, some, then, was, what.

Level D song:

Level E song:

Level F song:


If your child is having trouble with any of the sight words they can build the word with playdoh, rainbow write it (print the word tracing it in many different colored crayons), print them in the driveway with chalk or cut the letters out and practice building the word and mess it up and build it again. 



*Read a book in a quiet voice.  Then, read a book in a loud voice.


*Continue using Raz-Kids. Be sure to “read” the books, and not just “listen” to the books.  You will gain points when you “read” the books.

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.


Writing ideas

* Draw a picture of your family. Label your picture using one word to describe each family member.

* What do you look like? Use a mirror to draw and label yourself!


Remember to sound out the words you do not know and put your spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!



Choose from some of the following suggestions:

*Counting songs:

*Watch the video below to learn about making 10.

“Number Pairs that make 10”

*Try this game to practise making 10.

*Try some of these fun math games:

They will help you practice counting, number recognition, matching, etc.


*Play some card games with your family (‘Go Fish’, ‘7 Up’, ‘Crazy 8’s’, etc.). If you don’t know how to play search the rules online.


*You can also try out SplashLearn.  The information you need to go onto it is further down my teacher page.


***Important information regarding pick-up of student belongings next week.***

File kse_student_pick_up_schedule.docx172.68 KB

Posted: April 27, 2020

SplashLearn is a great online Math resource that can extend your child's learning. 

If you would like to give it a try, here is the information you need to explore the site:


OR Download: SplashLearn app

Step 1: Select Class

Step 2: Enter Class Code: JADRYK

Step 3: Select your name.

Step 4: Enter your password: math

Posted: April 26, 2020

The weather is getting nicer, and I hope it is helping to keep everyone’s spirits up. Hopefully, you can spend some more time outside enjoying the fresh air!

Here are some ideas for Week 4 of Home Learning. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at


Speaking and Listening

Listen to a story on https://www.storylineonline.netOR have an adult read a book to you OR choose from the following activities:

*Line up 5 of your favorite teddy bears/toys. Describe one of them using descriptive words and see if the other person can find the one you described. Do again and switch roles.

*Listen to a story and tell a family member who the characters in the story were.


Then you can do your calendar on



Find objects in your house that begin with the letters r,s,t and m.  Write or draw a picture of some things you find.

Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Review your letters on


Sight Words

Review your A - C Level sight words

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos

If your child is having trouble with any of the sight words they can build the word with playdoh, rainbow write it (print the word tracing it in many different colored crayons), print them in the driveway with chalk or cut the letters out and practice building the word and mess it up and build it again. 



*Gather up your favorite teddy bears and read them a story.


*Continue using Raz-Kids. Be sure to “read” the books, and not just “listen” to the books.  You will gain points when you “read” the books. 

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.


Writing ideas

*Write a story to your family about what you like about Spring?

*Treasure Hunt: Hide or find a treasure or secret spot outside.  Make a detailed map that will guide someone to it.

Remember to sound out the words you do not know and put your spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!



Choose from some of the following suggestions:

*Counting song:

*Go on a shape hunt in your house? Is it a 2D shape or a 3D shape? Can you find all the shapes?

Here are a few songs to review shapes before you get started on your hunt:

2D shapes:

3D shapes:

*Try some of these math games (the abcya links are not accessible from a cell phone or an iPad. They only seem to work on home computers or laptops):


Posted: April 19, 2020

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! Here are some ideas for Week 3 of Home Learning. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at


Speaking and Listening

Choose from the following activities (or continue listening and talking about a story):


*Hide a mystery object in a box or bag. Give clues to a family member about what is inside the box. See if they can guess what the object is and then, switch roles.

*Call a friend and ask them 3 questions about what they have been doing. Have them ask you 3 questions as well.

*Take a walk around your yard/neighborhood. Record or tell someone the things you hear, see, smell, and touch.

Then you can do your calendar on



Find objects in your house that begin with the letters b,c,d and f.  Write or draw a picture of some things you find.

Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Review your letters on


Sight Words

Review your A - C Level sight words

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos

If your child is having trouble with any of the sight words they can build the word with playdoh, rainbow write it (print the word tracing it in many different colored crayons), print them in the driveway with chalk or cut the letters out and practice building the word and mess it up and build it again. 





Continue using Raz-Kids. I assigned each student two new books for the week but feel free to let your child choose their own book around the same level. 

 Login Instructions:

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.


Some other fun ideas:

*Read your favourite book in the dark with a flashlight.

*Build a reading fort. Bring your favourite books inside to read them.




Make a card for someone special and give it to them.


Watch an episode of your favorite tv show. Draw/write about your favorite part or your favorite actor/actress in the show.


Remember to sound out the words you do not know and put your spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!




Choose from some of the following suggestions:


*Practice writing your phone number and your address.

*Find 3 things in your house that are taller than you. Find 3 things that are shorter than you.

*Find 3 things in your house that are heavier than you. Find 3 things that are lighter than you. (this is a counting song the kids love to do)


Try some of these math games (the abcya links are not accessible from a cell phone or an iPad. They only seem to work on home computers or laptops):


On April 22, we celebrate Earth Day.

Go onto, and click on the Earth.

Listen to a story:

How can you help protect our Earth?


Posted: April 13, 2020

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend with your families!

Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at

Take care and stay safe!


Speaking and Listening

Listen to a story on


Have an adult read a book to you.

What was your story about?

Then you can do your calendar on



Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Review your letters on


Sight Words

Review your A - C Level sight words

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos



Please read every day.

I have set up our class on a site called raz-kids. I have assigned new books for those

who completed the books last week.

It has leveled books and comprehension questions online:

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.

Please note:  If you are having trouble accessing this site,

you can also try these:




Write 1 or 2 sentences about your Easter holiday or about something you did on the weekend with your family.


Don’t forget to sound out the words you do not know and put your spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!




Choose from some of the following suggestions:


Practice counting forward to 20 starting at 1, 7, and 15.

Practice counting backward from 10 to 1 and from 5 to 1.

Count and record how many cars drive by your house in 2 minutes. You can try this activity with 5 min., 10 min. etc.

Count how many times you can jump up and down or hop on 1 foot, in 1 minute.

Sort socks. Tell someone your sorting rule. (color, pattern, size, etc.)

Sort kitchen utensils into groups that are alike.


Make a pattern using kitchen utensils, socks or other objects in your home. Tell someone the "Core" of your pattern.


Try some of these math games:

Posted: April 10, 2020

Chris Chatterton - Illustrator & Author - Happy Easter

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and a wonderful holiday with your family!

Here is a wonderful Easter story you can watch:

And get up and moving with these songs:

Posted: April 6, 2020

I miss you all SO much! 

Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns at

Take care and stay safe!


Speaking and Listening

Listen to a story on


Have an adult read a book to you.

What was your story about?

Then you can do your calendar on



Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Review your letters on


Sight Words

Review your A - C Level sight words

I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the,

to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we,

and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you.

Review these sight words with these videos



Please read every day.

I have set up our class on a site called raz-kids. 

It has leveled books and comprehension questions online:

Kids A-Z Login Instructions:

Step 1: Go to    (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, sherriebell

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password.

Our class is the “fish” symbol.

Please note:  If you are having trouble accessing this site,

you can also try these:




Write about your family OR your favourite food OR anything

you would like to write about.


Don’t forget to sound out the words you do not know and put your

spaces between the words and use your sight words to help!



Working on counting this week.  Some ideas for counting:

When you get a snack, count how many goldfish are in your bowl.

When you’re building with Lego, count the pieces you need or the pieces you used.
