Email February 27 2023

Posted: February 27, 2023

Hi folks!

We will be staying put at the school this week with no field trips! It's been a while since that's happened. Keep having your child read at home each night for homework.

Here are your (and my) reminders for the week.

DAILY - Proper winter attire for playing in the snow such as snow pants, hats, mitts, boots and jacket. Students get outside as much as possible and it's much more enjoyable when they are dressed properly. 

MON - School Spirit Day (KSE colours), need gym clothes

TUES - Career Day (come as what you want to be when you grow up), need their recorder

WED - Hat Day (wear a funny or favourite hat), need their recorder

THURS - Disney Day (wear disney clothing or dress as your favourite disney character), need gym clothes

FRI - Pajama Day (wear your PJs), need gym clothes


*Reminder that March Break is March 6-10th.* Many parents are worried about their children loosing progress over the March Break (or even if being absent for many days due to illness). Online platforms such as Lalilo and Splash Learn are still available during the break if you want some "good" screen time or keeping up with their skills.

All for now!