Mrs. Noel (Literacy)

Grade One

Posted: April 12, 2020

Dear Parents, 

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter.  It was certainly different than what we normally experience but it is important that we all keep our distance to be healthy and safe. 

This week I am posting the work on my teacher page and through email.  It is a pdf file, so I am hoping it will work better for everyone.  If you are not able to view it, please send me an email.

Have a wonderful week.  

Cheryl Noel

Posted: April 12, 2020

PDF icon home_learning_april_13-17.pdf140.28 KB

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello Again!

The online learning will follow the same format each week.  The goal is to help your child continue to learn and allow the parent confidence in helping their child with home schooling.  I understand that each home is unique and while I am hoping that you can complete these task, I understand if it is not always possible or the time lines can’t always be met. 

The speaking and listening, sight words, and reading will be the same each week.  I will add suggestions for writing ideas and additional math work each Monday. 

If you have internet access here are the steps for

       Reading Kids A-Z

         Step 1: Go to

         Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher’s username:  cherylnoel2020

         Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart

         Step 4:  Your child enters his or her password.  Our class is the

     “cat” symbol

I am providing my email for those that may have questions or concerns. 

Please stay safe, healthy and happy.

Cheryl Noel


Now click on Online Learning April 6-10 to get started!



Posted: April 6, 2020

File online_learning_april_6-10.docx588.92 KB

Posted: April 6, 2020

File sight_word_lists_2020.docx13.84 KB


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Oct 21 2020


Home Learning April 13-17
Home Learning April 6-10