le mercredi 10 novembre, 2021
Bonjour classe!
Aujourd’hui c’est le mercredi 10 novembre, 2021.
Ce matin, quand je me suis réveillée, le ciel était noir. Dans mon salon, avec une tasse de café, j’ai regardé le lever du soleil et le beau ciel rouge! Maintenant, il fait nuageux et le ciel est gris.
(This morning, when I woke up, the sky was black. In my living room, with a cup of coffee, I watched the sunrise and the beautiful red sky! Now, it is cloudy, and the sky is gray.)
Il y a six personnes dans ma famille. Combien de personnes y-a-t ’il dans ta famille?
(There are six people in my family. How many people are in your family?)
Mon amie s’appelle Kayla. Elle a les cheveux bruns et les yeux verts. ( My friend’s name is Kayla. She has brown hair and green eyes.)
Mon ami s’appelle Nick. Il a les cheveux bruns et les yeux bruns. (My friend’s name is Nick. He has brown hair and brown eyes.)
Can you be a « Détective de Mots” and find our “Mots de la Semaine” in our "Message du Jour". Get out your magnifying glass!
1. a 2. je 3. j’ai 4. et 5. je suis 6. la 7. le 8. ami 9. amie 10. sur 11. dans 12. il | 13. il y a 14. elle 15. de 16. c’est 17. les 18. des 19. mes 20. un 21. une 22. ma 23. mon 24. son |
Continue with our Math and Literacy documents, and don't forget to check out Mr. Williston's Teacher Page for Physical Education ideas.
If it is nice out, take the learning outside and use counting or addition with things in nature. Be creative: count the clouds, leaves, how many jumps skipping rope...the list goes on! Make patterns with rocks or leaves. Order your branches or things in nature from smallest to biggest...have fun with it!
Have a great day everyone and please reach out if you need anything at all! jenny.gauthier@nbed.nb.ca