Mme. Gauthier Notes

Nous apprenons ensemble en croquant un mot à la fois!


Posted: November 12, 2021

Bonjour classse!

Aujourd’hui c’est le vendredi 12 novembre, 2021.  Il fait nuageux aujourd’hui.

Je m’appelle Madame Gauthier! Ça va bien, aujourd’hui.  Je suis contente et heureuse. J’ai 38 ans.  J’ai les cheveux blonds et bruns. J’ai les yeux noisettes. Ma fête est le 8 septembre.

Mon ami s’appelle Nick. C’est un garçon. Mon amie s’appelle Kayla. C’est une fille.

Dans mon sac d’école, il y a un livre. Dans la classe, il y a des crayons et des gommes à effacer.   


I would like you to count how many sentences there are in this message.  Can you find our words we’ve been working on?  Make some sentences like mine! 

Say it, write it, read it!

Continue with Math, Literacy and You and Your World learning ideas from the week.   

I would like to hear from all of you today! I miss you all! Hope to see you soon!

Love, Madame Gauthier

Demain ce sera le Jour du Souvenir.  


While we cannot be together to commemorate Remembrance Day this year, the staff and students of King Street Elementary wanted to find a way to virtually come together to remember and honour the heroes from our families who fought for our freedom.


Check out the King Street Elementary Home Page to take part in the ceremony.

Make some artwork to remember those who fought for our freedom.  Paint or draw a field of poppies or whatever comes to mind when you think of Remembrance Day.... "Jour du Souvenir "


Lest We Forget....Nous nous souvenons

Posted: November 10, 2021

le mercredi 10 novembre, 2021

Bonjour classe!

Aujourd’hui c’est le mercredi 10 novembre, 2021. 

Ce matin, quand je me suis réveillée, le ciel était noir.  Dans mon salon, avec une tasse de café, j’ai regardé le lever du soleil et le beau ciel rouge!  Maintenant, il fait nuageux et le ciel est gris. 

(This morning, when I woke up, the sky was black.  In my living room, with a cup of coffee, I watched the sunrise and the beautiful red sky!  Now, it is cloudy, and the sky is gray.)

Il y a six personnes dans ma famille.  Combien de personnes y-a-t ’il dans ta famille?

(There are six people in my family.  How many people are in your family?)

Mon amie s’appelle Kayla.  Elle a les cheveux bruns et les yeux verts.  ( My friend’s name is Kayla.  She has brown hair and green eyes.)

Mon ami s’appelle Nick.  Il a les cheveux bruns et les yeux bruns.  (My friend’s name is Nick.  He has brown hair and brown eyes.)

Can you be a « Détective de Mots” and find our “Mots de la Semaine” in our "Message du Jour".  Get out your magnifying glass!

1.          a

2.         je

3.         j’ai

4.         et

5.         je suis

6.         la

7.         le

8.         ami

9.         amie

10.       sur

11.        dans

12.       il        

13.       il y a

14.       elle

15.       de

16.       c’est

17.       les

18.       des

19.       mes

20.       un

21.       une

22.       ma

23.       mon

24.       son





Continue with our Math and Literacy documents, and don't forget to check out Mr. Williston's Teacher Page for Physical Education ideas. 

If it is nice out, take the learning outside and use counting or addition with things in nature.  Be creative: count the clouds, leaves, how many jumps skipping rope...the list goes on!  Make patterns with rocks or leaves.  Order your branches or things in nature from smallest to biggest...have fun with it!

Have a great day everyone and please reach out if you need anything at all!

Posted: November 9, 2021


  • Check out the documents posted all about emotions, describing your family, what's in your school bag, in your classroom, how do you get to school.  Can you answer the questions orally, in writing and then read it?
  • Continue with « Les Mots de la Semaine »: read, write, shout them out!
  • Log in to “Je lis, Je lis, Littératie” – a couple of books in Magenta Collection

You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)

  • Be creative – draw your words in a hopscotch or on a BINGO card!  Get the whole family in on the fun!

You and Your World

  • Get outside for some fresh air! Play, go for a walk and get your daily dose of Vitamin D!
  • “Comment te sens-tu?”
  • Listen to the song “Les Émotions” on YouTube and then describe your own emotions and why.
  • Practice “Les Couleurs” en Français Listen to Youtube song on colors and practice with your family!
  • Describe what you are wearing using colors:  Je porte un chandail bleu (I’m wearing a blue shirt.)  Je porte un pantalon gris. (I’m wearing a gray pair of pants.)
  • Describe yourself: J’ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux noisettes.  Je porte des lunettes.(I have blond hair, and hazel eyes.  I wear glasses.)
  • Try describing others in your household or friends :  Nick a les cheveux bruns.  Il a les yeux bruns.  (Nick has brown hair. He has brown eyes.)  (boy: il / girl: elle)

Say it, Write it, Read it! 

Posted: November 9, 2021


Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!

Continue with the Math document in “Notes” you can look at for a reference of How Many Ways to Make 10! 

There are lots of ideas on my Teacher Page for you to navigate, documents, videos and Weblinks.  You don’t have to do them all, just do what you can! 


  • Continue working on your Math in a Flash! homeword cards
  • Practice representing numbers to 20 (tally, 10 frame, draw, dice)
  • How Many Ways Can You Make 10?!
  • Zorbit’s Math
  • Play Math Games available on the “Documents” or “Weblinks” tabs
  • YouTube counting en Français 0-20, and all the way to 100 if you want!
  • Practice writing the numbers 0-20
  • Practice counting 0-20 forwards and backwards
  • Practice pattern making ABAB,ABCABC,ABCDABCD,ABB, AAB…

Posted: November 9, 2021

le mardi 9 novembre, 2021

Bonjour classe!

Aujourd’hui c’est le mardi 9 novembre, 2021.  Maintenant, il fait un petit peu du soleil et nuageux.  Il y a des nuages blancs et gris.  Le ciel est gris et un peu de bleu.  Il fait 2 degrés. Brrrr!

C’est la fete de mon papa aujourd’hui!  Il a 74 ans ! Mon papa s’appelle Hubert.  Mon papa a des cheveux gris.  Il a les yeux noisettes.  Il porte des lunettes.  Bonne fête, papa!  J’aime mon papa!

Can you be a « Détective de Mots” and find our “Mots de la Semaine” in our "Message du Jour".  Get out your magnifying glass!


Continue with our Math and Literacy documents, and don't forget to check out Mr. Williston's Teacher Page for Physical Education ideas. 

Looks like it will be a beautiful day!  Take the learning outside and use counting or addition with things in nature.  Be creative: count the clouds, leaves, how many jumps skipping rope...the list goes on!  Make patterns with rocks or leaves.  Order your branches or things in nature from smallest to biggest...have fun with it!

Have a great day everyone and please reach out if you need anything at all!

Posted: November 8, 2021


Bonjour Classe!

I hope you all had a nice weekend!

Aujourd’hui c’est le lundi 8 novembre, 2021. Il fait du soleil aujourd’hui!

Hier c'était le dimanche 7 novembre, 2021

Demain ce sera le mardi 9 novembre, 2021

C'est la fête de mon papa, demain!  

Demain, il aura 74 ans (soixante-quatorze ans)!  Mon papa s'appelle Hubert.  Il a les cheveux gris et les yeux noisettes.  J'aime mon papa!


Comment s'appelle ton papa?  Comment s'appelle ta maman?  Avez-vous des frères ou des sœurs? Comment s’appelle ton frère? Comment s’appelle ta sœur? Avez-vous un animal de compagnie?  Comment s’appelle ton chien ou ton chat?


I have posted some documents for Literacy and Maths and You and Your World.  Check out "Documents" tab to find all the Math and Literacy activities you can work on today.  You don't have to do it all, just do what you can!  

Allez jouer dehors aujourd'hui, les amis! (Go play outside today, friends!)





Posted: November 5, 2021

Bonjour Classe!

Aujourd’hui c’est le vendredi 5 novembre, 2021.

Il fait du soleil et il fait froid! Brrr!

Le grand soleil jaune est dans le beau ciel bleu!

I have posted some documents for Literacy and Maths.  Take a look in "Documents" and have fun with the activities today!
Allez jouer dehors aujourd'hui, les amis! (Go play outside today, friends!)


Message du jour:

Bonjour les élèves (students)!


Je m’appelle Madame Gauthier!

Comment s’appelle-t-elle?

Elle s’appelle Kelsey.

Comment s’appelle-t-il?

Il s’appelle Patrick.

(Il for a boy and elle for a girl) Practice with your family today and have fun!

Can you find the words of the weeks in this message? Let me know!

Je vous aime! I love you!

C’est vendredi! Je suis contente!


Bonne fin de semaine!



If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact my via email : 
Bonne Journée! ~ Mme. Gauthier



Bonjour les amis! 

Il y a trois mots.

J'ai six ans.
Il y a trois mots dans la phrase. 
Je parle toujours en français.
Il y a cinq mots dans la phrase.
Go, to sight words 1.(power point) As the sentences are read to you, count how many words there are in the sentence. 
The #'s of words in a sentence. Les mots dans une phrase.
words = mot
sentence = phrase

Posted: November 3, 2021

Le soleil brille! :)

Maintenant, le grand soleil jaune est dans le beau ciel bleu!
Allez jouer dehors aujourd'hui, les amis!

Posted: November 3, 2021

Bonjour Classe!

Aujourd’hui c’est le mercredi 3 novembre, 2021.

Il fait nuageux, un peu du soleil et il fait froid! Brrr!

Bonne Journée! ~ Mme. Gauthier



Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!

Continue with the Math document in “Notes” you can look at for a reference of How Many Ways to Make 10! 

There are lots of ideas on my Teacher Page for you to navigate.  You don’t have to do them all, just do what you can! 


  • Continue working on your Math in a Flash! homeword cards
  • Practice representing numbers to 20 (tally, 10 frame, draw, dice)
  • How Many Ways Can You Make 10?!
  • Zorbit’s Math
  • Play Math Games available on the “Documents” or “Weblinks” tabs
  • YouTube counting en Français 0-20, and all the way to 100 if you want!
  • Practice writing the numbers 0-20
  • Practice counting 0-20 forwards and backwards



  • Check out the new document posted today.  Can you answer the questions orally, in writing and then read it?
  • Continue with « Les Mots de la Semaine »: read, write, shout them out!
  • Log in to “Je lis, Je lis, Littératie” – a couple of books in Magenta Collection

You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)

  • Be creative – draw your words in a hopscotch or on a BINGO card!  Get the whole family in on the fun!

You and Your World

  • Get outside for some fresh air! Play, go for a walk and get your daily dose of Vitamin D!
  • “Comment te sens-tu?”
  • Listen to the song “Les Émotions” on YouTube and then describe your own emotions and why.
  • Practice “Les Couleurs” en Français Listen to Youtube song on colors and practice with your family!
  • Describe what you are wearing using colors:  Je porte un chandail blanc (I’m wearing a white shirt.)  Je porte un pantalon noir. (I’m wearing a black pair of pants.)
  • Describe yourself: J’ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux noisettes.  Je porte des lunettes.(I have blond hair, and hazel eyes.  I wear glasses.)
  • Try describing others in your household or friends :  Nick a les cheveux bruns.  Il a les yeux bruns.  (Nick has brown hair. He has brown eyes.)  (boy: il / girl: elle)

Say it, Write it, Read it! 

Have fun and please do not hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns!


Mme. Gauthier


Posted: November 2, 2021

Bonjour Classe!

Aujourd’hui c’est le mardi 2 novembre, 2021.

Il fait du soleil et il fait froid! Brrr!

I have posted a Math document in “Notes” you can look at for a reference of How Many Ways to Make 10! There are lots of ideas on my Teacher Page for you to navigate.  You don’t have to do them all, just do what you can! 

Bonne Journée! ~ Mme. Gauthier



Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!

  • Continue working on your flash cards: Math in a Flash!
  • Practice representing numbers to 20 (tally, 10 frame, draw, dice)
  • How Many Ways Can You Make 10?!
  • Zorbit’s Math
  • Play Math Games available on the “Documents” or “Weblinks” tabs
  • YouTube counting en Français 0-20, and all the way to 100 if you want!
  • Practice writing the numbers 0-20
  • Practice counting 0-20 forwards and backwards



  • Continue with « Les Mots de la Semaine »: read, write, shout them out!
  • Find in "Documents" the two Sight Word Power Points (from November 12, 2020) and practice "Les Mots de la Semaine" and More!
  • Log in to “Je lis, Je lis, Littératie” – a couple of books in Magenta Collection

You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)

  • Be creative – draw your words in a hopscotch or on a BINGO card!  Get the whole family in on the fun!

You and Your World

  • Get outside for some fresh air! Play, go for a walk and get your daily dose of Vitamin D!
  • “Comment te sens-tu?”
  • Listen to the song “Les Émotions” on YouTube and then describe your own emotions and why.
  • Practice “Les Couleurs” en Français Listen to Youtube song on colors and practice with your family!

Have fun and please do not hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns!


Mme. Gauthier


Posted: November 2, 2021


Posted: November 1, 2021

Bonjour Classe!


J’espère que vous avez passé une Joyeuse Halloween !  I hope you all had a great Halloween! 

Pour l’Halloween, je me suis déguisée en Frankenstein!  Frankenstein est un monstre.  Frankenstein a les cheveux noirs et courts.  Il porte une veste de costume verte.

(For Halloween, I dressed up as Frankenstein!  Frankenstein is a monster.  Frankenstein has short black hair.  He wears a green suit coat.)

Pouvez-vous décrire votre costume de l’Halloween? 

Can you describe your Halloween costume (in French)?



Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!

  • Continue working on the worksheet packages and homework flashcards that were sent home. 
  • Zorbit’s Math
  • Play Math Games available on the “Documents” or “Weblinks” tabs
  • YouTube counting en Français 0-20, and all the way to 100 if you want!
  • Practice writing the numbers 0-20
  • Practice counting 0-20 forwards and backwards
  •     Practice representing numbers to 20 (tally, 10 frame, draw, dice



  • Continue with « Les Mots de la Semaine »: read, write, shout them out!
  • Log in to “Je lis, Je lis, Littératie” – a couple of books in Magenta Collection

You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)

  • Be creative – draw your words in a hopscotch or on a BINGO card!  Get the whole family in on the fun!

You and Your World

  • Get outside for some fresh air! Play, go for a walk and get your daily dose of Vitamin D!
  • Read the book “Comment te sens-tu?” found on the “Documents” tab
  • Listen to the song “Les Émotions” on YouTube and then describe your own emotions and why.

Have fun and please do not hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns!


Mme. Gauthier

Posted: October 29, 2021


Bonjour classe,


Remember our "Chanson de Voyelles" when you are sounding out words with different vowel sounds and do the actions with each vowel if you want!


Un M avec un A fait ma, ma, ma

Un M avec un E fait me, me, me, 

Un M avec un I fait mi

Avec un............O fait mo

Avec un............U fait mu,



Ma, Me, Mi, Mo, MuMè,



I=Y i et y make the same vowel sounds

Try it with different letters too!
