Mme. Gauthier

Nous apprenons ensemble en croquant un mot à la fois!

Posted: November 5, 2021

Qu'est ce qu'il y a dans ta salle de classe?

Can you name the objects that we have in our class?
Name them orally.
Write a sentence and draw a picture!
PDF icon dans_ma_classe_-_affiche_2020.pdf166.69 KB

Posted: November 5, 2021

Comment vas-tu à l’école?

Moi, je vais à l’école en voiture.
PDF icon comment_vas-tu_a_lecole.pdf183.13 KB

Qu'est ce qu'il y a dans ton sac d’école?

What is in your school bag?
Can you name the items in French?
Dans mon sac d’école il y a ......
PDF icon dans_mon_sac_decole_-_poster.pdf213.2 KB

Posted: November 5, 2021

Qui est dans ta famille?

Who is in your family?
Moi, j'ai une maman.  Elle s'appelle Mary Jean.
J'ai un papa.  Il s'appelle Hubert.
J'ai trois frères.  Ils s'appellent Rodney, Jeffrey et Luke.
( the "ent" on the end of the word s'appelle is silent!)
Je n'ai pas de soeurs.
PDF icon la_famille_-_affiche.pdf42.56 KB

Posted: November 5, 2021

Comment te sens-tu?

Practice orally, reading and writing it.
Ask the people in your household how they are feeling.
Draw a picture and write a sentence, just like we do in class!
PDF icon mes_sentiments.pdf153.63 KB

Posted: November 4, 2021

 Madame LeBouthillier is showing us how to play a Math Game!  You can make one the very same at home!

Have fun!

Posted: November 4, 2021

Madame LeBouthillier is showing us how to represent numbers!

Have fun doing the same! :)

Posted: November 4, 2021

Madame LeBouthillier is showing us how to represent numbers!
Have fun doing the same! :)
The more challenging representation is with the dice. The maximum number that can be put on one dice is 6. 
You can do it outside on the dirt or on pavement with a chalk.
Have Fun!
Only do what you can!
Thank you for your support!
Madame Gauthier

Bonjour les amis! 

Il y a trois mots.

J'ai six ans.
Il y a trois mots dans la phrase. 
Je parle toujours en français.
Il y a cinq mots dans la phrase.
Go, to sight words 1.(power point) As the sentences are read to you, count how many words there are in the sentence. 
The #'s of words in a sentence. Les mots dans une phrase.
words = mot
sentence = phrase

Posted: November 3, 2021

File lets_rock_and_roll_math.docx417.5 KB


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Added: Wed, Jan 12 2022


Added: Tue, Jan 11 2022


Bonjour! Message - le mercredi 3 novembre, 2021
Grille de 100! Hundreds Chart