Posted: November 3, 2021
Le soleil brille! :)
Posted: November 3, 2021
Le soleil brille! :)
Posted: November 3, 2021
Bonjour Classe!
Aujourd’hui c’est le mercredi 3 novembre, 2021.
Il fait nuageux, un peu du soleil et il fait froid! Brrr!
Bonne Journée! ~ Mme. Gauthier
Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!
Continue with the Math document in “Notes” you can look at for a reference of How Many Ways to Make 10!
There are lots of ideas on my Teacher Page for you to navigate. You don’t have to do them all, just do what you can!
You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)
You and Your World
Say it, Write it, Read it!
Have fun and please do not hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns!
Mme. Gauthier
Posted: November 3, 2021
Attachment | Size |
message_le_3_mercredi_nov._2021.docx | 6.25 MB |
Posted: November 2, 2021
Bonjour Classe!
Aujourd’hui c’est le mardi 2 novembre, 2021.
Il fait du soleil et il fait froid! Brrr!
I have posted a Math document in “Notes” you can look at for a reference of How Many Ways to Make 10! There are lots of ideas on my Teacher Page for you to navigate. You don’t have to do them all, just do what you can!
Bonne Journée! ~ Mme. Gauthier
Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!
You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)
You and Your World
Have fun and please do not hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns!
Mme. Gauthier
Posted: November 2, 2021
Posted: November 1, 2021
Have fun with STEM and Halloween Candy !!
Attachment | Size |
halloween_numeracy_stem_-_candy_scale.pdf | 1.18 MB |
Posted: November 1, 2021
A Day In the Life of Home Learning
Attachment | Size |
virtual_classroom_asd-n_k_to_2.pptx | 2.69 MB |
Posted: November 1, 2021
Bonjour Classe!
J’espère que vous avez passé une Joyeuse Halloween ! I hope you all had a great Halloween!
Pour l’Halloween, je me suis déguisée en Frankenstein! Frankenstein est un monstre. Frankenstein a les cheveux noirs et courts. Il porte une veste de costume verte.
(For Halloween, I dressed up as Frankenstein! Frankenstein is a monster. Frankenstein has short black hair. He wears a green suit coat.)
Pouvez-vous décrire votre costume de l’Halloween?
Can you describe your Halloween costume (in French)?
Choose some or all these activities to help support the learning!
Practice representing numbers to 20 (tally, 10 frame, draw, dice
You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)
You and Your World
Have fun and please do not hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions or concerns!
Mme. Gauthier
Posted: October 29, 2021
Bonjour classe,
Remember our "Chanson de Voyelles" when you are sounding out words with different vowel sounds and do the actions with each vowel if you want!
Un M avec un A fait ma, ma, ma
Un M avec un E fait me, me, me,
Un M avec un I fait mi
Avec un............O fait mo
Avec un............U fait mu,
Ma, Me, Mi, Mo, Mu, Mé, Mè,Mé, Mè
I=Y i et y make the same vowel sounds
Try it with different letters too!
Posted: October 29, 2021