Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: February 28, 2022

Remember before Christmas when we dug soil samples from your lawn? We tested the PH and are now seeing if we can make anything grow!

Posted: February 28, 2022

Posted: February 24, 2022

Back to normal, Valentine’s Day, fruit with yogurt, fruit tray, Grade 3 animal projects and Grade 4 province project.

Posted: February 24, 2022

Hi folks!
Today we had a presentation about online technology and how to be safe with passwords etc. And, how to continue to be kind online. Please take this opportunity to talk to you child(ren) about safety and being a good friend online.
Many students are looking for more glue sticks. Ask your child if they're in need of some!
Any volunteers? We are heading to the Miramichi Ski Club on Thursday, March 3rd from approximately 10:45am-12:15.
As usual, any questions - just shout out!

Posted: February 10, 2022

Posted: February 7, 2022

Hi Folks!
Me again. Such a busy time! This time it's more of an academic message. Here is what will be covering up until March break.
  1. Math: Home-learning had some newer concepts to cover. We will be reviewing these to make sure students are bang on. How can you help? Good ol' fashion multiplication times tables.
    1. Grade 3:
      1. Responsible: up to 5x5
      2. this week - subtraction with regrouping (ex. 421-385)
      3. then - reviewing/reteaching multiplication and division
    2. Grade 4:
      1. Responsible: up to 9x9
      2. this week - multiplication 2 or 3 digit by 1 digit (ex. 62x4)
      3. then - master division 2 or 3 digits by 1 digit (ex. 84 divided by 7)
  2. French - continue with reading strategies and sound of the week etc. How can you help? Read their guided reading book aloud for homework.
  3. French & English - It's Black History month! This will be our focus in both French literacy and English class. We will be reading books, writing and discussing!
  4. Science - we are growing plants in our classroom.
  5. Extras - upcoming will be skating and snowshoeing.
As always, if you have any questions - shout out! Here's hoping this week everyone is into a more settled routine and students are..... back to themselves!

Posted: February 3, 2022

Hi folks!
Students have been doing great with review, catching up and their writing. So proud of them and their positive attitudes. As always, King Street is forever busy and here are a few points to know.
  1. Book Order: Sent home today and due on Wednesday. Shared shipping to save money will be done if we have enough orders. Simply at tax. Or, you can order direct to your door for a price. Our class code is RC198054.
  2. Valentine's Day: Store bought treats and Valentine exchange will be on Monday. Class list is below.
  3. Olympics: Lots of theme days have been sent home. Our class country is Poland and our colours are white and red.
  4. Solo Speech: If anyone is interested in solo speech, let Mrs Comeau or myself know! A fun experience for sure!
Thank you again for all your efforts during our time away. While you folks did great, I sure would rather teach them myself!
Grade 3's: Quentin, Jade, Wil, Claire, Jude, Leah, Jordan
Grade 4's: Sasha, Caitlin, Emma, Helena, Hannah, Madison, Lily, Charleigh, Abby, Chayce
Teachers: Mme Robichaud, Mrs Kane (EA), Mr Williston (Gym) and Mrs Comeau (Music)

Posted: January 28, 2022

Hi Folks!
Well, Friday is here! YAY. Students are back to school on Monday (January 31st). The cafeteria will be open as per usual but with slight changes to seating etc to allow for extra extra spacing etc. while eating.
Here is your packing list for Monday:
  • Mask and extra masks in bookbag
  • Gym clothes
  • All home-learning completed during our time away to be sent back to school
  • Any projects coming back to school (Grade 3 animal habitats or Grade 4 provinces)
  • Library books from our school library
  • Guided reading books for our class
  • Agenda (if it happens to be at home)
  • Water bottle
*Also, MONDAY & TUESDAY: PJ day for our class! Students request. I think they deserve it!*
A massive standing ovation to each every one of my wonderful families and students during this time away. I am extremely appreciative for all of your efforts.
Until Monday!

Posted: January 25, 2022

Hi folks,
I know the home-learning is getting....long. Do what you can. I made videos for each day and for each grade level to help alleviate some stress ( The online programs are simpler and students can be independent.
While I'd like for the home-learning to continue, I also understand that we all have our limits.
If you and/or your child is stressing and need a break, here are some informal learning that I completely encourage. Use them in lieu of the home-learning for the day and pick-up where you left off next time.
  1. Sign-up for this year's Solo Speech Competition. Find the information here: Solo Speech Sign-up | King Street Elementary (
  2. Check out the live cams at the San Diego Zoo. Talk about habitats, animal needs, environmental changes etc. Live Cams | San Diego Zoo
  3. Build something out of snow as a family like a fort or snow slide (Dad Creates Fun Ice Slide In Backyard - YouTube)
  4. Bake some family recipes or have kids make new ones. Here's a neat site: 19 Easy Recipes That Kids Can Make | Cooking With Kids : Food Network | Food Network
  5. Look through old family photos and show kids how you used to be "fun" in your younger years.
Be well and stay positive. This too shall pass!

Hi folks,

  • Please continue to work on our checklist found in your home-learning packs.
  • Our website for support:
  • This week's home-learning pack are in the office (available 8:30-3:30 daily) if you haven't picked yours up.
  • Teams daily in French @1pm.
  • Writing support on teams as needed. Just reach out!

Thank you for all your organizing and efforts in your child's education.



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