Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: November 17, 2021

Hi folks!
Updated home-learing packs are heading home today for any time school is closed, you're isolating or 2+ symptoms and you're wanting your child to continue learning at home. They are independent activities - hope this helps!
Our class is scheduled to go skating on Thursday, November 25th @9am (approx). We will going "with" Mme Prince's class but separately. If you'd like to volunteer to tie skates, please let me know. You must be a double-vaccinated mask-wearing adult to attend and proof will be checked at the door. Also, please let me know if your child needs skates or a helmet ASAP.
All for now!

Posted: November 16, 2021

Science @home

100 experiment ideas for home-learning

Posted: November 14, 2021

A few examples of work completed during the week of Nov 8-12

Posted: November 14, 2021

Anyone else happy to pack lunches and bookbags for school or is it just me?! Students and staff are back in action tomorrow. Thank you for your effort and patience through all of this.
If any students won't be at school this week due to isolation, sickness etc please let me know. Also, please let me know if there are any issues I should be made aware (ie. anxious to return, no work completed over our time away, feeling lonely, frustrations, hardships etc). I so appreciate all your honest communication.
  • Covid/Home-Learning packages: Please return all of these contents as I'll be "revamping" them in the days to come. This includes any completed or incompleted work, the egg carton, green duatang, bottle etc.
  • Gym clothes - It's Monday!
  • Library Books from King Street's Library
  • Guided Reading books
  • Agenda/Homework Folder
  • Empty 2L milk cartons
  • Masks
Thank you again! I can't wait to see our awesome class in person!

Posted: November 11, 2021

Hi folks!
Home packs are mostly all out and about and officially ready to rock and roll. Hope this gives a little more structure to students so they feel accomplished. Please remember: we will pick away at this pack! Do not do it all in one day! Once we get back in school, this pack is asked to returned. Thanks!

- Mme R


Colour scheme: priority activitiesactivities for today and extra activities.
Activities for Friday, November 12th

GREEN DUATANG : There are various activities for students to complete in this duatang. Please work in the duatang daily for 20-30 minutes as part of French literacy. Explanations of pages are listed below.

- Word searches: there are several to choose from. Only spend 5-10 minutes.

- Lis et colorie: where they read the description and colour the image accordingly

- Literacy center work from previous days at school: finish up your work where needed by colouring images, finishing sentences etc.
- Remembrance day pages from Nov 10: finish up the mot du jour and/or la paix c'est
- Halloween pages: various to be completed whether it be cut and glue words, syllables or alphabetical order
- Monster head/blank writing page: Design the head of the monster to your liking then write a description. Ex. Mon monstre s'appelle Fido. Il a 5 yeux verts avec un nez pointu. etc.
- Le petit chat noir (3e) or La chauve-souris effrayante (4e): You're planning a story about a black cat (grade 3) or a scary bat (grade 4). Write about who is in the story, what they want to do, the problem etc. Later, students can present their story to me.
BOOKLETS: Students have one or two books in their packet. Everyone has "Le cycle de vie d'une plante" and Grade 4's also have "Mon livre d'émotions". Please continue finishing these books. Once finished, place in the ziplock "Pour Mme R". This can be done in lieu of the Green duatang depending on how much time you have.


EXPLORATORY-  Choose one of the following options.

OPTION 1) Watch the following video which uses newspapers to make flowers: Newspaper craft - easy craft idea for kids | PAPER FLOWER | easy art and craft ideas with newspaper - YouTube. Make a flower for someone special in your life that makes sacrifices and helps you. In a video or with a couple of sentences, tell me who you gave your flower to.


OPTION 2) Not interested in making a flower? Make a tree for someone instead! Grow Your Own Newspaper Tree - Cool Science Experiment - YouTube Choose someone special to give it to and feel free to decorate it with pictures of their favourite things. Share with me who you gave your tree to.


OPTION 3) No newspaper? No problem! Place some m&m's in a bowl or cup with the m facing up so you can see. Pour some water on them and watch them float! The m is actually edible paper! Did it work? Write a few sentences to tell me about it.





If they haven't already done so this week......

KING STREET REMEMBERS - Slideshow created by Mrs Comeau. King Street Remembers | King Street Elementary (



 Go on "Je lis, je lis". Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE (  

- Click on the blue double speech bubble to hear my comments on books that have already been recorded.  

- Choose ONE new book to practice and record that one book by Friday.  

- On a piece of paper, write down the name of the book and any é/er/ez/ai words.    


MATH  - Splashlearn. Assignments are given frequently. If none are waiting then you continue working on various conceptsSplashLearn Student Sign In   


Other Websites for Students to check out if they wish/have time: 

MATH – Most students have a zorbit login to work away at their own pace. Zorbit's Math Adventure (  

PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Check out Mr Williston’s page for gym class on MTh&F. Mr. Williston & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.) | King Street Elementary ( 

MUSIC - Check out Mrs Comeau's page for music class on T&W. Mrs. E. Comeau (Music) | King Street Elementary (

 LALILO – website for students to help with sound recognition and sentence composition. Use code XZBYHB. Only available during school hours. Lalilo | Interface élève  

Posted: November 10, 2021

Rest assured - these are not for just one day! We will pick away at them.

Posted: November 9, 2021

BONNE FETE HELENA!!!!!! If you have a chance, please reach out to Helena to wish her a happy birthday!

Most home-learning packs have either been picked up or delivered. We will slowly be starting to use these. Please place all completed work in the zip lock bag labeled "Pour Mme R". All paperwork is to be returned at the end of .... "this".




  • Continue saving 2L milk cartons for our return (garden activity)
  • Flyers/newspapers to use on Friday


Home-learning for Wednesday, Nov 10th

KING STREET REMEMBERS - Mrs Comeau created an awesome slideshow. Please watch this virtual ceremony. King Street Remembers | King Street Elementary (



LA PAIX C'EST - here are some examples that students may use or come up with their own (l'amour, le respect, écouter, nécessaire, siliencieuse, courageuse). They are to choose a word and colour the page.

WORD WORK – word search with French Remembrance day words (at back of Green Duatang)

LE MOT DU JOUR EST... - The word of the day is soldier. They give a definition, draw a picture, it's a NOM, it's MASCULIN, write a sentence, 5 words to describe a soldier and a word in French that rhymes with soldat (a sound at end).


MATH- Complete 15 minutes of splashlearn. There's likely an assignment waiting if you haven't been on lately. SplashLearn Student Sign In 


EXPLORATORY -  OPTION 1)Go for a walk in downtown Chatham or Newcastle and look at lamp post decorations in honour of our veterans. Are any of them your relatives? Do you recognize any names? Walk over to Elm Park (near the Library). Look at the display in Remembrance of our veterans. Take a moment to think about what it would have been like.




OPTION 2) Call an elderly relative (grandparent, great-aunt/uncle etc) and ask them about Remembrance Day. What stories/experiences do they have to share with you? Draw a picture, record a video or write a paragraph/a few sentences explaining what they said. Please send it to me via email.




OPTION 3) Go outside and collect 12 leaves.1/2 must be yellow, 1/4 must be red or orange and the rest must be brown. Place the 12 leaves in a line. Measure the length of the line. Choose 1 leaf. How many of these would you need to make 1 meter? Rake the biggest pile of leaves possible and do a slow-mo video of you as you ..... JUMP in the leaves! Feel free to send a picture or video of them to me!






Highway of Heroes by the Trews The Trews - Highway of Heroes - YouTube Lyrics only: Highway of Heroes - The Trews (Lyrics & Photos) - YouTube 

A Pittance of Time by Terry Kelly Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time (Official Version) - YouTube 

We’ll Never Forget: We'll Never Forget Read Aloud - YouTube 

Sergeant Billy: Wildwood Wolves - Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War | Facebook This is actually one of the Hackmatack books! 

The Bear Who Went to War: Alan Pollock reads the Bear who Went to War - YouTube 

A Poppy is to Remember: A Poppy is to Remember - YouTube

Le jour du souvenir (TFO): Mini TFO et le Jour du souvenir - YouTube
Le jour du souvenir / Remembrance Day (Historica Canada): Remembrance Day | jour du Souvenir - YouTube





 If they haven't already done so......

ENGLISH To note: Our typical week includes English for 2.5 hours/week.

Write a 5 paragraph description in English of someone you admire. If you’re unsure of the spelling, simply write down the word by sounding it out and circle it. To be completed by Wednesday. Example attached/on website. The five paragraphs should be as follows: 

  1. Introduction 
  2. Physical description 
  3. Personality, likes/dislikes 
  4. What makes them special 
  5. Conclusion 



Go on "Je lis, je lis". Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE ( 

- Click on the blue double speech bubble to hear my comments on books that have already been recorded. 

- Choose ONE new book to practice and record that one book by Friday. 

- On a piece of paper, write down the name of the book and any é/er/ez/ai words.   


Other Websites for Students to check out if they wish/have time: 


MATH – Most students have a zorbit login to work away at their own pace. Zorbit's Math Adventure (  

PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Check out Mr Williston’s page for gym class on MTh&F. Mr. Williston & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.) | King Street Elementary ( 

MUSIC - Check out Mrs Comeau's page for music class on T&W. Mrs. E. Comeau (Music) | King Street Elementary (


LALILO – website for students to help with sound recognition and sentence composition. Use code XZBYHB. Only available during school hours. Lalilo | Interface élève  

Posted: November 8, 2021

Tuesday Nov 9th

I have home-learning paper packs ready to go for all students. Please let me know if you'd like to pick them up from my porch or if you'd like them delivered to your home/babysitter/daycare. These will be used starting tomorrow.

Also, a number of you are looking for teams sessions/video conferencing with me. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Would your child be available during the day to chat? One on one session to speak French or get a little motivation? A set time for you to tune in if you need help? I'm open to suggestions. You know your child best. 




  • Continue saving 2L milk cartons for our return (garden activity)
  • In the upcoming week you will need flyers/newspapers for Friday



Posted: November 8, 2021

Home-learning for Tuesday, Nov 9th (*mostly a continuation of Monday*)

WORD WORK – Here are our words of the week- beau, belle, autre, toujours, souvent, beaucoup, plusieurs, sa, ses, son, sont. Each day, write them on paper or sidewalk chalk. 




  • Go on "Je lis, je lis". Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE ( 
  • Click on the blue double speech bubble to hear my comments on books that have already been recorded. 
  • Choose ONE new book to practice and record that one book by Friday. 
  • On a piece of paper, write down the name of the book and any é/er/ez/ai words.   


*MATH* - Splashlearn for 20ish minutes. They have an assignment(s) waiting for them to complete. SplashLearn Student Sign In  





Highway of Heroes by the Trews The Trews - Highway of Heroes - YouTube Lyrics only: Highway of Heroes - The Trews (Lyrics & Photos) - YouTube 

A Pittance of Time by Terry Kelly Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time (Official Version) - YouTube 


ENGLISH To note: Our typical week includes English for 2.5 hours/week.

Write a 5 paragraph description in English of someone you admire. If you’re unsure of the spelling, simply write down the word by sounding it out and circle it. To be completed by Wednesday. Example attached/on website. The five paragraphs should be as follows: 

  1. Introduction 
  2. Physical description 
  3. Personality, likes/dislikes 
  4. What makes them special 
  5. Conclusion 



We’ll Never Forget: We'll Never Forget Read Aloud - YouTube 

Sergeant Billy: Wildwood Wolves - Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War | Facebook This is actually one of the Hackmatack books! 

The Bear Who Went to War: Alan Pollock reads the Bear who Went to War - YouTube 

A Poppy is to Remember: A Poppy is to Remember - YouTube

Le jour du souvenir (TFO): Mini TFO et le Jour du souvenir - YouTube
Le jour du souvenir / Remembrance Day (Historica Canada): Remembrance Day | jour du Souvenir - YouTube


Other Websites for Students to check out if they wish/have time: 


MATH – Most students have a zorbit login to work away at their own pace. Zorbit's Math Adventure (  


PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Check out Mr Williston’s page for gym class on MTh&F. Mr. Williston & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.) | King Street Elementary ( 


MUSIC - Check out Mrs Comeau's page for music class on T&W. Mrs. E. Comeau (Music) | King Street Elementary (



LALILO – website for students to help with sound recognition and sentence composition. Use code XZBYHB. Only available during school hours. Lalilo | Interface élève  


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