Mrs. Bell (EAL)

We all smile in the same language!

Posted: January 14, 2022

Happy Friday Kindergarten!

Continue to follow the home learning outline in your packet. You may also explore the online activities on Squiggle Park

or Splash Math. If you need your child’s password for these sites, please email me.

You can review your numbers 0-10 with these songs:

For fun today, get up and move to the song Friday on youtube

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at

Have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Posted: January 13, 2022

Hello Kindergarten! 

Today, continue to follow the home learning outline in your packet. You may also explore the online activities on Squiggle Park or Splash Math. If you need your child’s password for these sites, please email me.

You can review your sight words with these songs:

For fun today, get up and move to the Penguin Dance on youtube

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at

Have a terrific Thursday.  Hugs to you. I miss you!

Posted: January 12, 2022


Hi Kindergarten! 

Brrr….it is another very frosty morning out there!

Today, continue to follow the home learning outline in your packet. Please make sure to keep all your work to bring to school on our first day back for face to face learning. You may also explore the online activities on Squiggle Park or Splash Math.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at

For fun today, listen to the story The Tale of Jack Frost on youtube

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I miss you all so much!


Posted: January 12, 2022

Hi Kindergarten! 

Brrr….it is another very frosty morning out there!

Today, continue to follow the home learning outline in your packet. Please make sure to keep all your work to bring to school on our first day back for face to face learning. You may also explore the online activities on Squiggle Park or Splash Math.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at

For fun today, listen to the story The Tale of Jack Frost on youtube

Have a wonderful Wednesday and I miss you all so much!

Posted: January 11, 2022

Good morning Kindergarten!

Welcome back!  It is now 2022!!!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  For those of you who picked up your Home Learning packets, you can start working on those today. Please try to follow the suggested outline that is at the beginning of the packet. Just try your best!

If you were unable to pick up your packet, please contact me at to make other arrangements.

For a little fun today, listen to Baby Shark’s Happy New Year

Parents, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at

Take care and stay warm on this chilly Tuesday!

Posted: December 15, 2021

Have some fun today learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.


Christmas Around the World


Listen to a story:

Let’s Celebrate: Special Days Around the World


Some quick facts:

Kids Break Christmas Around the World


Movement Break:

Kids Christmas Workout



How do you celebrate Christmas?  Draw a picture and try to label or write a simple sentence about your Christmas celebrations.


Enjoy some songs:

Christmas Around the World Song

Christmas Around the World


Track Santa Around the World and explore the site for some fun activities:

Posted: November 12, 2021

Happy FRIDAY Kindergarten!!

We made it through our second week of home learning. Below you will find the suggested activities for today. Have fun and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me @

Have a fabulous weekend and hopefully we will be together in the classroom again very soon!

PDF icon home_learning_nov12.pdf157.31 KB

Posted: November 11, 2021

While we cannot be together to commemorate Remembrance Day this year, the staff and students of King Street Elementary wanted to find a way to virtually come together to remember and honour the heroes from our families who fought for our freedom.

Click here to be taken to our virtual presentation for 2021.

Posted: November 10, 2021

Hello Kindergarten!

I hope your home learning is going well. I absolutely cannot wait to see all your sweet faces in person! Until then please do the best you can to learn and play at home.

Attached is the lesson Plan for November 10th, 2021. I have also attached the math activity for the day.

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Mrs. Bell♥

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PDF icon counting_poppies.pdf887.75 KB

Posted: November 9, 2021

Hello Kindergarten!

I hope you are all doing well.  I miss you all SO much! 

Attached is the lesson Plan for November 9th, 2021. To start things off listen to this Hello Song

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

I hope you have a great day! 

Mrs. Bell♥


PDF icon home_learning_nov9.pdf144.83 KB


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Added: Thu, Feb 23 2023


Added: Wed, Nov 11 2020