Mrs. Bell (EAL)

We all smile in the same language!

Posted: October 26, 2021

Posted: October 15, 2021

Language Arts:

  • Story: Read a book or have an adult read to you.  Or listen to a story on 
  • Draw a picture of something you love to do in the fall.  Add labels to your picture (for example: the word “me” or the word “hockey” (at this point some students should be able to tell you what letter the word begins with).
  • Calendar on




  • Watch the counting video:
  • Practice counting from 0-10.  If this is easy for your child have them count backwards from 10-0. Or talk about the numbers that come before/after a number.
  • Continue to explore Splashlearn Math


Zoo Phonics: Listen to the song, Zoo-phonics Signals and Sounds on youtube- and Who Let the Letters Out Remix Zoo Phonics Song with hand signals


You and Your World: Fire Safety: Continue to explore Sparky’s Fire safety site


***You can also work on some of the things in your Home Learning package that was sent home a couple of weeks ago.


Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend!!!

Posted: October 14, 2021

King Street Elementary Remembrance Day Program 2021

We are collecting photos of family members who served or who are currently serving in the military. We will be having a slideshow presentation as part of our 2021 “Virtual” Remembrance Day Program. This slide show will be uploaded on our KSE school website

NOTE – If an older sibling has submitted a photo in the past, they will not need to resubmit. Please update family photo if they have a brother or sister that now attends KSE.

Please e-mail the photo of the veteran to,


Please complete the form below and return back by October28,2021


Name of student(s) - ____________________________

Classroom teacher - _____________________________

Name of veteran/active military personnel:____________

Relationship to student(s) - _______________________

Important information: example – WWI, WWII


Posted: October 14, 2021

Language Arts

  • Story: Read a book or have an adult read to you.  Or listen to a story on
  • Rainbow write your name. Use 3 different coloured crayons. Can you find things in your house that begin with each letter in your name?
  • Calendar on

Math: Continue to have fun with patterns!  Play a pattern game on

Can you make your own “two part” pattern using things around your house, such as some of your toys? Your shoes? Maybe some kitchen cutlery?


Zoo Phonics: Listen to the song, Zoo-phonics Signals and Sounds on youtube-

and Who Let the Letters Out Remix Zoo Phonics Song with hand signals


You and Your World: Fire Safety: Continue to explore Sparky’s Fire safety site


***You can also work on some of the things in your Home Learning package that was sent home a couple of weeks ago.

Posted: October 13, 2021

Language Arts

  • Story: Read a book or have an adult read to you.  Or listen to a story on
  • Continue to practice printing your name.  Can you draw something that starts with the same letter as your name?
  • Practice printing the other letters in the alphabet.
  • Calendar on



OR Download: SplashLearn app

Step 1: Select Login as Student

Step 2: Enter Class Code: ENSYQN

Step 3: Select your name.

Step 4: Click on your picture password: the "lion"


Zoo Phonics Listen to the song, Zoo-phonics Signals and Sounds on youtube- and Who Let the Letters Out Remix Zoo Phonics Song with hand signals

You and Your World Fire Safety: Continue to explore Sparky’s Fire safety site


***You can also work on some of the things in your Home Learning package that was sent home a couple of weeks ago.


Posted: October 12, 2021

SplashLearn is a great online Math resource that can extend your child's learning. 

If you would like to give it a try, here is the information you need to explore the site:


OR Download: SplashLearn app

Step 1: Select Login as Student

Step 2: Enter Class Code: ENSYQN

Step 3: Select your name.

Step 4: Click on your picture password: the "lion"

Posted: October 12, 2021

Hello to my wonderful kindergarten kids!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Here are some things you can try as you are learning from home today:

Language Arts

·         Story:

·         Listen to the song: Thanksgiving Feast on youtube

·         Writing activity.  Draw and label what you had for Thanksgiving Dinner.  What is something traditional like turkey, or something different? 

·         Listen to the song: Thanksgiving Dinner on youtube

·         Calendar on leader

Math: Check out the new Splash Math program.  I will post the info for that in a separate note.

Zoo Phonics: Listen to the song, Zoo-phonics Signals and Sounds on youtube- and Who Let the Letters Out Remix Zoo Phonics Song with hand signals

You and Your World: Fire Safety: This week we are going to be talking about Fire Safety. Throughout the week explore Sparky’s Fire safety site


Posted: October 6, 2021

Speaking and Listening

Listen to a story on


Have an adult read a book to you.

What was your story about?

Then you can do your calendar on



Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:

Practice the letter names

Practice the letter sounds and listen to our Zoo Phonics song



Practice your books that are in your homework folder.



Practice printing your name.  Use proper pencil grip and letter formation. **Capital letter at the beginning, followed by lowercase.



Working on counting skills.  Some ideas for counting:

When you get a snack, count how many goldfish are in your bowl.

When you’re building with Lego, count the pieces you need or the pieces you used. 

Practice number id and listen to this song


Celebrate Thanksgiving and listen to There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Turkey!

Posted: September 1, 2021

All drop off and pick ups are at Door B (Kindergarten First Day is the exception to this, please see our post below))
Morning Drop off is 7:50 - 8:25. Prior to 7:50 there are no teachers on duty.
We encourage students to be as independent as possible. If you need to get out of the car with your student, please park in the parking lot and walk them to the door.
Dismissal begins at 2:55. Students will not be released unless the duty teacher has visual confirmation of the adult picking up the child.
The safety of our students is our number one priority. Please drive carefully and slowly in the loop. And please note, the loop is a No Passing Zone.
The Posted Speed Limit on King Street During School Hours is 30KM/H

Posted: June 10, 2021

We had so much fun celebrating Student Appreciation Day by playing a game of Beanboozled.  Even Mrs. Hache joined in on the fun!


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Feb 23 2023


Added: Wed, Nov 11 2020