Mme. Robichaud Notes

Let curiosity take the lead


Posted: September 16, 2019

If you are reading this and checking out our class website, please write a note to Mme R telling me one AWESOME thing that you love about your child.

Posted: September 13, 2019

  • Read levelled book (being sent home Monday)
  • Practice your sounds
  • Math games

Other reminders:

  • TUESDAY: Book order due
  • WEDNESDAY: Special Meal in Cafeteria (Pre-order of "Breakfast for Lunch")
  • FRIDAY: Grades 3-5 Picture Day

Posted: September 9, 2019

  • Practice our sounds
  • Math games
  • Next week's Cafeteria Special Meal (Breakfast for Lunch) Order form & money is due on Friday.

Other reminders:

  • Wednesday is Meet the Teacher Wed 6-7pm
  • Cafeteria Order Special Meal by Friday with money (meal next Wednesday)
  • Forms: fluoride, cafeteria
  • Book order due on Tuesday, Sept 17

Posted: September 4, 2019

This is a test to see who looked at the webpage!  Get an adult to draw their best version of the King Street Lion on today's date.  Hint: look at the top of this page for the King Street logo.

Posted: September 3, 2019

Each week I will write our homework down on this webpage.  Please check it for updates (daily when possible).


  • Get a parent to sign pages as needed
  • Eat supper with someone you love
  • Go to sleep early

Posted: August 29, 2019

Welcome to Grade 3 FI.  We are going to have an awesome year.  Parents please keep a special eye to all the paper work being sent home this first week back.  If you are super keen and reading this before the first day of school, please send a note along lettingme know where your child will be going afterschool on the first day.  Thank you.  Looking forward to meeting you all!

Posted: June 8, 2018

Don't forget to bring in your rock!

Posted: May 20, 2018

Here are a few upcoming dates that are noteworthy!

  1. Saturday, May 26th - Top soil sale in AM @King Street (100% goes to the playground!) & Discovery 2018 @Max Aitken where our class will be on "display" (1-4pm).
  2. The week of June 4-8th is our District Math Assessment.  We will be picking away at this!  Please let me know if you'll be absent or will be missing time.
  3. Grade 5 field trip is scheduled for Monday, June 11th pending district approval.  Waiting word but we will require volunteers!
  4. Grade 5 Banquet is scheduled for Thursday, June 14th for students only.  We are looking for volunteers to decorate that day.
  5. Grades 3-5 District Track Meet @JMH.  Parents welcome to come watch or volunteer!

Posted: April 30, 2018

SH Test - These questions were created by students.  I passed out 15 questions that could possibly be on the test.  Students were able to review in class, question group members, google answers etc.  5 questions were on the test and 1 given to the class before hand.  This was a closed book test.

Science Test - Questions were created by students in class.  We reviewed the material together.  The test had 15 questions with varying values.  Students chose as many questions as necessary to obtain 20-25 points.  This was an open book test.  They had access to their notes and a diagram was on the Smartboard for the duration of the test.

Posted: February 26, 2018

5 Glazier and 5 Robichaud are going skiing tomorrow!

Bring a bagged lunch, water, and appropriate outside gear.

Posted: February 12, 2018

Anyone who sold any Valentine's Day Gift Card and Ring Tickets.... the draw is WEDNESDAY!

I'm adjusting some of the due dates for our projects.  Here are the updated due dates (note being sent home Tuesday about this too).


  • Class presentations will be done throughout the week.  If you have a food presentation, please arrange with Mme Robichaud a day that works best for your family and to assure proper serving devices.  A note in the agenda will be written to help organize.
  • Project #1 - to be given by the end of the day Tuesday, Feb 6th
  • Project #2 - good copy due Friday, Feb 9th
  • Project #3 - good copy due Wed, Feb 14th


  • Book was to be read by February 1st (guideline to help stay on track)
  • Draft copy of book report due by Friday, February 16th
  • Frinal copy of book report due by Friday, February 23rd


Posted: January 25, 2018

Due to a cold windchill of -27'C, our ski morning to the Nelson Ski Club will be moved to Monday, January 29th. Please let us know if you can volunteer to join! Sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted: October 30, 2017

For those in choir, there is a special choir practice Thursday afterschool from 3-4:15.  Bring a snack!

Posted: October 19, 2017

Please note: our skating time had to be changed due to the Remembrance Day Ceremony.  It will now be on Wednesday, November 1st @8:40-9:40  @the LBA with the Grade 3 classes.
