Mme. Robichaud Notes

Let curiosity take the lead


Posted: September 13, 2021

To note: reading levels have been assessed and are current. Please keep in that sometimes over the summer students slide back a level or two. By Thanksgiving they are usually at their reading level that they were in June. YAY!

Also, please note that after level I there are no level specific sight words to study. YAY YAY!

English Reading levels will be assessed within the next few weeks and appropriate sight words/questions/guided reading books will be sent home accordingly.

Posted: September 13, 2021

Hi Folks!

I have lots of fun pictures to show of our first week of school, however, I can't post until everyone's picture permission has been returned. Stay tuned!

Tomorrow (Tuesday), we will have sight words being sent home with students. There are also a page of reading level questions you can ask your child as they read books. While these words and questions are in regard to their French reading level, the questions can work for any book and any language.


Book order was sent home today. A class order will be made on Friday for those interested. Please send in your order along with the money & tax included. If there is not enough interest then your order and money will be returned.


As always, if you have any questions, email or send a note through your child's agenda.


Cheers to sunshine!

Posted: September 3, 2021

Hi folks!

I'll be your child(ren)'s grade 3/4 teacher! This is our class webpage where I like to post pictures and memos weekly for you to see. Once posted, I plan to email you so you are aware that an update has been made.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on their first - either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday - and then the ENTIRE class on Friday!

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me. (

Have a great weekend!

Posted: August 30, 2021

Hi folks! Teachers are back and getting things all set to welcome students next week. Can't wait to meet my awesome class! Enjoy the last few days of your vacation and see you all sometime next week!

Posted: June 25, 2021

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and spoiling this teacher. It's been a great year and we made lots of memories. Have a safe and happy summer.

Posted: June 25, 2021

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and spoiling this teacher. It's been a great year and we made lots of memories. Have a safe and happy summer.

Posted: June 24, 2021

Our class will be going for our LAST picnic of the year tomorrow (Friday, June 25th). Therefore, we will not be at school from 11-1:30/2pm. Also, we will be painting tomorrow so please wear or bring paint clothes.

Thank you for a fabulous year!

Posted: June 21, 2021

HUGE CONGRATS go out to Bianca, Rowan, Lily & Tessa for FINISHING the Au Royaume website! YAY! These girls worked hard!

Good news - the website is available to our class all summer! A great way to keep listening and using those reading skills over the summer months.

Posted: June 21, 2021

Field Day is scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday). Please remember to be dressed for physical activity, sneakers, extra water, sunscreen & bugspray. An extra pair of clothes may be needed as well. In the event of rain, the day will be rescheduled for THURSDAY (on our class schedule it had said Wednesday).

Posted: June 14, 2021

Good news! This website will available all summer long for students!

Posted: May 31, 2021

Hi folks!

Our class will be going for a walk on Friday @12:30. Please bring a picnic lunch (no option for cafeteria for us), sneakers and weather appropriate items (sunscreen, bug spray, rain jacket etc). 3 Prince will be "joining" us..... seperately but "together" with a shared experience.

Posted: May 28, 2021

We are learning about future careers/jobs possibilities. Students will be speaking with (virtually of course) with people from various professions. If you or someone you know has a job you think the students would like to learn about, please email  Thanks!

Posted: May 26, 2021

Spell-a-thon pledges are due by June 3rd.

Sistema Applications are due by June 4th.

Posted: May 19, 2021

Students have a guided reading book to read each night or play on AU ROYAUME (use chrome).


Still looking for tall cotainers (like 900g yogurt) or 2L milk cartons. The more the merrier! It's for our garden.

Posted: May 17, 2021

  • Book order sent home today. Add the tax and send it back by Friday of this week if you'd like to share the shipping. Last month we had $6.90 last month. Thank you!
  • We are wrapping up our unit on interpreting and making bar graphs. Next up: geometry shapes.
  • Students have made a "dance competition" amongst themselves. If your child wants to partipate, they are welcome to! No pressure. Just for fun!
