Mme. Glazier


Posted: February 22, 2018

-Our ski trip will be next Tuesday Feb. 27. We will leave at 9:30 and be back around 12:30. Please make sure your child has a bag lunch as we will not be back in time to eat in the cafeteria.

-We are also looking for volunteers to help out! ;)


Mme Glazier et Mme Robichaud

Posted: February 20, 2018

1. Français: lecture 15 min. - Finir écriture au propre pour jeudi

2. Math: please study math facts at home and continue to practice divisions. Any incomplete math will be sent home.

3. Social Studies:

Students are working on their medieval time projects in class. Projects will be extented to Wednesday Feb. 28. They have the directions in their Social Studies duo-tang and know what to do. ;)

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Posted: February 15, 2018

Posted: February 15, 2018

Go Czech Republic!

Posted: February 15, 2018

Posted: February 13, 2018

1. lecture 15 min.

2. Math: #1-2 pages 106 due tomorrow. Please continue to practice long division and multiplications facts.

3. Scholastic due this Thursday

4. Valentine Party will be tomorrow after lunch. Students can bring in valentines and treats for the class.

***All Grade 5 students will be going skating tomorrow! Please do not forget your skates and helmet!

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)


Due Date: 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Posted: February 7, 2018

Long division song

Students have requested to listen to this video to help them with long divisions. ;)

Posted: February 7, 2018

1. lecture 15 min en français

2. Math: We are currently working on long divisions and mental math strategies in divisions. It is crucial for your child to study their times table in order to master divisions as well. 

3. Social Studies:

Students are working on their medieval time projects in class. Projects are due Friday Feb. 23rd. They have the directions in their Social Studies duo-tang and know what to do. ;)

Olympic at King St. Elementary:

King St. will have an Olympic opening ceremonies for students only this Friday. Our class will represent Czech Republic. Students can wear red, white and blue to represent the flag this Friday. 

*Ski trip has not been finalized yet, due to the weather! We will let you know ASAP.

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier



Due Date: 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

*Our ski trip was cancelled today due to the cold again. We will keep you posted for the next date. 

1. lecture 15 min.

2. Math. page 98 #1-5 due tomorrow (estimating divisions)

3. Math quiz Friday on estimating divisions and study multiplication 1-6 (quiz)

Due Date: 

Monday, January 29, 2018


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