Posted: December 6, 2017
Class pictures tomorrow!:)
Posted: December 6, 2017
Class pictures tomorrow!:)
Posted: December 4, 2017
1. lecture 15 minutes
2. Math: study math facts 0-5 quiz Friday
3. skating for all grade 5's Wednesday. Please make sure your child has skates and a helmet.
* Black light show will be tomorrow night for the public @ 6:30. Please make sure your child is there for 5:30.
* Form for the movie night /babysitting is due this Wed.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier
Posted: December 1, 2017
Please do not forget your blacklight clothing for Monday's practice.
Posted: November 27, 2017
Posted: November 27, 2017
Students from Mme Robichaud and Mme Glazier's class enjoying Sam's stand up comedy show. What a great job he did!
Posted: November 27, 2017
1. lecture 15 min.
2. Math: study math fact 0-4 quiz Friday
*Open House tonight to the public from 6-7 then we will proceed to the gym at 7pm for the ceremony.
Posted: November 20, 2017
1. lecture 15 min (don't forget to write book in November's calendar)
2. Study multiplication tables 2-3 (quiz Thursday)
3. Parent-Teacher Interview's Thursday and Friday
No school for students Friday
Posted: November 14, 2017
1. lecture 15 minutes (parents please do not forget to sign calender)
2. Math test Friday on Unit 1: Patterns and equations (they can review their work and we will review in class)
Please bring in sweater $ if you have not already and would like to purchase one before Friday.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: November 9, 2017
Posted: November 9, 2017