Mme. Glazier


Posted: November 6, 2017

1. lecture 15 min (calendrier de novembre) Parents must write initials beside the title 

2. Math: any imcomplete math in class will be sent home

3. Scholastic book order for November due this Thursday


SCHOOL CLOTHING ORDER is due November 14th.You can try your tshirt/sweetshirt Nov 8 @3:30-5:30 or Nov 9 @6:30-7:30.

Remembrance Day Ceremony.Wed, Nov 8th @9:15    Since our gym is still under construction and that our entire school will be in the cafeteria we ask that you please keep this in mind as there may not be room for parents (priority will be given to veterans, ceremony participants, staff and students)

* Please note, there is no school for students Friday Nov. 10  and Monday Nov. 13.

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier


Due Date: 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Posted: October 30, 2017

File skating.docx79.42 KB

Posted: October 30, 2017

Posted: October 30, 2017

Posted: October 30, 2017

1. lecture 15 minutes (reading log)

2. Math quizes to be signed. Math sheet due Friday

3. Skating this Wednesday Nov. 1 @ 9:30.

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Posted: October 23, 2017

1. Lecture 15 min. (log in October calendar)

2. half a day for students Wednesday

3. Friday Oct. 27 students can bring a costum to school for our Halloween dance. 

*Any incomplete math in class will be sent home. Please continue to study math facts every night.


Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Posted: October 18, 2017

We are currently starting our Science Unit Forces and simple machines. Students can bring in any following items laying around the house or garage. 

-marbles, straws, sand paper, toilet paper/paper towel rolls, slinkies, dinky cars, etc. Toys will be sent home once we are done with them. 

Thank you,

Mme Glazier ;)

Posted: October 16, 2017

1. lecture 15 min. (calendrier)

2. Math: any incomplete math in class will be sent home. We have started paterns. Chapter 1

3. math quiz Friday on what we've learned this week. (page 6-12) 

Due Date: 

Monday, October 16, 2017


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Added: Sat, Dec 21 2024


Added: Mon, Dec 16 2024