Posted: September 11, 2017
Mme. Glazier
Posted: September 11, 2017
math games
Posted: September 11, 2017
math games
Posted: September 11, 2017
math games
Posted: September 8, 2017
Posted: September 8, 2017
Posted: September 8, 2017
Welcome to my Teacher Page! I will be posting homework and you child's work on this page. Please visit frequently.
We had an awesome first week at our new school King St. Elementary. Here are a few things we are currently working on in class.
Math: We are currently working on chapter 2, Whole numbers. Students must be able to read and represent numbers up to 1 000 000. We will also be doing estimations and place value numbers.
Français: Students will be working on a biographie of a friend or a person of their choice.
Health: Respect (others and self)
Have a great weekend,
Mme Glazier :)