Posted: September 14, 2017
The official opening of the Turf Field is Friday, Sept. 15th under the lights!! Come check it out! There will also be a 50\50 fundraiser for our new playground!
Posted: September 14, 2017
The official opening of the Turf Field is Friday, Sept. 15th under the lights!! Come check it out! There will also be a 50\50 fundraiser for our new playground!
Posted: September 14, 2017
Students from 3-5 will have their picture taken this day. There will not be a class photo taken on this day, however you can take a pics with siblings.
Posted: September 12, 2017
Thank you Mrs. Hache and Mrs. Petrie for the Tim Hortons smiley cookies. They were delicious and a big surprise during our math class!
Posted: September 11, 2017
page 45
#1-6. Do not do # 5.
Posted: September 11, 2017
1. lecture 15 minutes
2. Math: Study french numbers up to 100 (spelling) Quiz Friday on numbers up to 1 000 000. (study pages 44-45)
3. Please make sure your child bring in their gym clothes for Phys. Ed. on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays.
If you have any questions, please send in a note with your child.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: September 11, 2017
Posted: September 11, 2017
Posted: September 11, 2017
Posted: September 11, 2017
Posted: September 11, 2017