Mr. Williston, Mrs. Schofield, & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.)

Mr. Williston

If the weather is nice, please do your best to get outside for 30mins of acitivity.  Grades 3-5, you can practice the basic soccer kicks we reviewed in class (instep and lace kicks) and K-2 can practice kicking with your instep. Remember: SAY NO TO THE TOE :)

We are attaching some activities that tie nicely into our curriculum. There are active links for you to click on (super hero characters and hyper text links in the skills and strategies).

Most of all, have fun, stay active and stay positive!


PDF icon home_learning_nov_2-5.pdf156.71 KB

Posted: November 1, 2021

Please see the attached file for your home learning game.

Stay active for a minimum of 30 minutes. Go for a walk or jog with a parent or responsible adult. Remember to walk/jog on the left side of the road or sidewalk, and obey all pedestrian traffic rules. Stay safe!

If you can get outside, practice kicking skills taught in class: the basic kick, and the lace kick (grades 3-5).

PDF icon sock_hop_home_learning_game.pdf130.55 KB

Posted: October 12, 2021

This week we have included a few different activities for you to try. The goal for each day is for a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity. Remember that these minutes can be spread out throughout the day or done all at once.  Also feel free to change the order of any activity and if there is something you really like, do it as many times as you want and as always, we love it when you come up with your own activity.  

Tuesday – Indoor/outdoor Bowling 

Make your own bowling game using old plastic bottles (6 or 10 works well). If you play outside, add a little water to each bottle to help keep them standing. Make a starting line using sidewalk chalk or masking tape, grab a ball and have some fun. Challenge someone in your family and yourself by adding more bottles or moving the starting like back.  

Variation for outside:  try kicking a ball at the pins

Wednesday - Go for a walk or jog with your family and try to find all the following items in any order: 

1.       A bicycle  

2.       Someone walking 

3.       A birdfeeder 

4.       A house with Halloween decorations   

5.       A basketball or hockey net 

6.       An odd numbered house 

7.       A swing set  

8.       A dog or cat 

9.       A STOP sign 

10.   A piece of sports equipment (i.e. soccer ball, hockey stick, etc.)

Thursday – Make your own obstacle course.   

This can be done inside or outside (I made my children do this OUTSIDE). Use items that you can run around, go over/under. Time yourself and challenge someone in your family to beat your time.

Posted: October 6, 2021

The King Street Physical Education Teachers proudly display the ‘5 Year Terry Fox Banner’ for our continuing support of the Terry Fox foundation. ...

Posted: October 6, 2021

Just a few pcitures from the 2021 Terry Fox Walk here at King Street.

Posted: October 6, 2021

Change of Date

The school Cross Country Meet will take place on Thursday Oct. 14th at 1pm.

Rain date: Tuesday Oct. 19th (1pm)

This meet is only for members of the King Street Cross Country Team.

Posted: October 6, 2021

Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Posted: October 22, 2020

King Street Cross Country runners that placed in the top 10 at the ASDN Oct. 14th Virtual Meet. 

Missing: Grade 4 Gilrs - Gracie Jardine 1st

Posted: June 8, 2020

Please check out the link below for our last week of Home Learning.

Posted: June 5, 2020

Here are the Day 10 events and the week 2 scorecard. 


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Oct 31 2024


Added: Thu, Jan 20 2022