Ms. H. Gallant - Archived 09/2022

Enjoying the Terry Fox walk

Posted: November 3, 2021

Good Morning Class!!

Hope everyone had a great day yesterday


Soft Start; Choose an activity

  •          Coloring
  •          Building
  •          A walk outside
  •          Help cook breakfast

Literacy block:

Journal writing- topic: of your choice! Remember our 5-star writing. Please keep your writing pieces, date them, and put them in your homework folder or email me your writing!

Spelling: I really enjoyed the creative ways you spelled your words yesterday! Today, try writing them using the colours of the rainbow. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet).

Sites you can use during Literacy: Squiggle Park, Epic, storylineonline and tumble books ( Username: nblib password: nbschools)


  •          Zorbits/Splashlearn – play for about 20 min:
  •          youtube-count to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, or 10’s by Jack Hartmann- get up and get moving!
  •          Check out the PDF file I attached Let’s Rock and Roll (page 1 only)
  •          Play a board game!

Sites you can use during Numeracy: Hit the number – click on play game, then number bonds, then up to 10.

Looks like another nice day out there! Check out Mr. Williston and Mrs. McFarlane’s combined Phys Ed teacher page. Today we would have music, so be sure to check out Mrs. Comeau’s teachers page for some music ideas!

**Remember to do what you can!

** Do your best!

**Keep any work and bring it to school when we return!

**Email me pictures so I can upload to my teacher’s page!

** I miss you guys, and hope we are back to school soon!

**If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out;

PDF icon rock_and_roll_numeracy_.pdf2.85 MB

Posted: November 2, 2021

Some students got creative today doing their spelling words! I love the ideas they came up with! Thanks for sharing!! 

- Miss. Gallant

Posted: November 2, 2021

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful sunny day we had yesterday!


Could you please let me know if your child is unable to complete home learning - either by choice or if you’re having trouble login into anything.  Thank you!


Soft Start; Choose an activity

  •      Coloring
  •      Building
  •      A walk outside
  •     Help cook breakfast 

Literacy block:

Journal writing- topic: “Would you Rather have a Monkey or a Robot?” Try to write 2+ sentences with reasons why you would rather have a monkey or a robot. Remember our 5-star writing.  Please keep your writing pieces, date them and put them in your homework folder or email me your writing! I would love to see what you would choose!

Spelling: Write your spelling words this week using objects around the house (ex: crayons, leaves from outside, sticks, etc). Be creative and send me pictures so I can post them on my teacher’s page!

Sites you can use during Literacy: Squiggle Park, Epic, storylineonline and tumble books ( Username: nblib password: nbschools)


  •          Zorbits/Splashlearn – play for about 20 min:
  •          Count to 100
  •          Count by 10 to 100. Try starting at different numbers (ex: 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81 ,91)
  •          Count backwards from 100 by 10
  •          Practice making 10 : Play Go Fish Make 10 – Use a deck of cards and take out the J, Q, and K. Play Go Fish, but a match is 2 cards that make 10 (ex: 2 and 8, 7 ad 3). 

An extra site you can use during Numeracy: Hit the number – click on play game, then number bonds, then up to 10.

Get outside! Enjoy the fresh air! Rake some leaves and jump in them! Check out Mr. Williston and Mrs. McFarlane’s combined Phys Ed teacher page.

**Remember to do what you can!

** Do your best!

**Keep any work and bring it to school when we return!

**Email me pictures so I can upload to my teacher’s page!

** I miss you guys, and hope we are back to school soon!

-Miss. Gallant

Posted: November 1, 2021

Happy Monday morning boys and girls!

I hope everyone had a great time trick-or-treating last night!

Here’s a schedule for today that you can follow!

If you can pack your writing pieces, and math sheets in your homework folder and return them to school when we get back so I can check them out! Thank you!

Also, if you want to email any complete work, I can see it that way too!


Literacy block:

On a piece of paper write about how your weekend was, about Halloween, how much candy did you get, etc. Remember to make it a 5-star writing piece (1- does it have spaces, 2- does it use punctuation ,?!, 3- capital letters, 4- sounds match words, 5- does it make sense). Remember to date your writing piece!

Everyone has their EPIC login in, to do some listen to reading, or you can read books on there as well. You can read your library book or any book of choice that you may have at home. Can go onto and choose a story to listen to. Read to someone in your house, even a pet, or a stuffy. Be creative!

You can login to Squiggle Park as well to do some word work!

Spelling: this week, work on Unit 5 spelling. (th words) they, them, these, those, this, thin, thick, think, thank, three

Do a brain break: can go on youtube and search Go Noodle Brain Breaks- choose one to complete

Math Block:

Using your white boards or a piece of paper, do the number of the day. Number of the day is 25. Is it Odd or Even. Using tally marks, show the number 25. How many tens/ones. Can you write 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, 100 more. Forward counting by 1’s (starting at 25) backwards by 1’s, forwards and backwards by 10’s. 

Parents, please check your emails today, I will send out login information for Zorbits Math. Students can log on to Splashlearn. If you have any trouble logging into anything, please reach out!

Some games at home you can play – using cards, go fish and making ten.

Making ten: using a deck of cards, only the cards numbered 1-10, play it like go fish. Hand out 5 cards each. (ex: If I have a 4 in my hand I will ask my partner for the number that goes with 4 to make ten- 6)

**Be sure to get outside for some fresh air throughout the day. Check our Mr. Williston and Mrs. MacFarlane's phys. ed options on their teacher page. 

**Do your best and have fun!

** I will be updating my teachers page each morning, but if you have any concerns at all you can contact me at

** Have a great day everyone!

Due Date: 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Posted: October 28, 2021

The kids had a great day skating and look forward to the next time! 

Posted: October 25, 2021

  • Read
  • Sign Unit 3 spelling test
  • Spelling this week- Unit 4. Please complete the two pages, and spelling test on Friday.
  • Important reminder - Skating on Thursday! Please don't forget skates and helmet, and dress appropriately!

Due Date: 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Posted: October 20, 2021

Today our class checked out the new bike trail for Take me outside day!

Posted: October 18, 2021

  • Read each night
  • return library book (if you haven't done so already) by Wednesday
  • sign spelling test unit 2
  • new spelling this week - unit 3 
  • continue to use EPIC, splash learn and Squiggle park at home

Due Date: 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Posted: October 14, 2021

Please check out this Remembrance Day Notice!!

File remembrance_day_2021.docx19.86 KB

Posted: October 14, 2021

Happy Thursday Morning boys and girls!! It's a wet, rainy morning out there today! 

Reminder to everyone, use the white board provided when I first sent home your home learning packet to do your work on! Use the websites provided as well. Remember to log in to squiggle park, splash learn (math) and EPIC. Each of you were provided with your username and password for Squiggle Park, and I have uploaded information on EPIC and Splash Learn for you to login to. 

If you have books at home, you should be reading each day 15 mins. On a piece of paper you can do journal writing. Tell me about your days at home, or make up your own story! Be Creative!! You can bring those back with you when we return to school and we can share some stories! 

I hope you all have a fantastic day!! 


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Added: Tue, Jun 7 2022


Added: Wed, Mar 2 2022