Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: April 24, 2023

Posted: April 18, 2023

Hi folks!

It's a Monday message on a Tuesday. Full week this week! Music Festival week means a few interruptions to our schedule. We have SEVEN students participating in the solo speech presentations on Wednesday, and SIX students performing with the choir on Thursday. Good luck to everyone! If you plan to watch your child, a reminder to enter 15 minutes before the performance! Doors get locked.

Please keep having your child read each night. We are in the home stretch! Smoothie points are still available to any takers. No expiration.

MON: gym clothes

TUES: recorder

WED: recorder, solo speech props (if needed)

THURS: gym clothes, choir performance (if needed)

FRI: gym clothes


All for now!

Posted: April 11, 2023

Hi folks!

A long one today for such a short week.....

Report Cards & Parent Teacher - Report cards went home today. Please sign and return the necessary page. Parent-Teacher times for those that returned their page are written in your child's agenda, as well as a slip in the report card folder. There's a book order in there too. If you order online the code is RC198054.

New Units - We are beginning new writing units. Grade 3 will be focusing on healthy choices. Grade 4 will have an introduction and the human body (different body systems and body changes/puberty). In Math Grade 3 students will begin calendars and time. Grade 4 students are finishing up decimal numbers and then will move to calendars and time including the 24 hour clock and time duration.

Smoothie Challenge - if any family decides to try one of the smoothie recipes sent home today, please forward a picture for 5 points for the class!

Pictures - Please check out our class website for some fun pictures. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Speaking French - as we near the end of the year, expectations for speaking French are 100% of class time. If your child looses all their "batons", you will be notified. If it happens a second time, they loose recess minutes. 3x and more, they go to learning lunch. Hopefully it won't come to that!

Outside attire - The playground is soaking wet with melting snow. I'd suggest splash pants and rubber boots but we all know how kids are. I try my best to have them dressed properly as I would my own. With that being said, I strongly suggest extra socks and a change in clothes to be kept in their bookbag. Thanks in advance!

Regular reminders -

TUES: recorder

WED: recorder

THURS: gym clothes

FRIDAY: No school

All for now!

Posted: April 7, 2023

March awards, yard sale purchases and Science magic fun!

Posted: April 3, 2023

Hi folks!

Here are your Monday reminders - actually on Monday too! Yay me!

MON: gym clothes needed, Parent-Teacher request form being sent home

TUES: recorder & music book

WED: we are going to the Grade 5 FI Fundraiser Yard Sale (all items $1-$5), recorder & music book

THURS: gym clothes needed, Grade 4 students to be tested on continents & oceans (links on our website to help)

FRI: No School (Good Friday)


*Reminder: there is no school on Monday, April 10th (Easter Monday) and no school for students on Friday April 14th due to Parent-Teacher.


All for now!

Posted: April 3, 2023

Continent and oceans song

Posted: April 3, 2023

Continent song

Posted: March 27, 2023

Hi folks!

Here are a few things to know and some reminders....

  • Report Cards will be going out April 11th with Parent-Teacher Interviews that week. I'll be sending a memo home next week for you to choose availability should you request an interview.
  • For those who signed up for SOLO SPEECH - start memorizing! The day is sneaking up.
  • Anyone who has toys to donate to the Grade 5 FI class for their fundraiser yard sale, feel free to send in items up until Friday.
  • Reading Bingo is due this Friday.

MON - gym clothes

TUES - recorder & music book

WED - recorder & music book

THURS -gym clothes

FRI - gym clothes


All for now! Check out our pictures on the website. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Posted: March 21, 2023

Posted: March 21, 2023

Hi folks!

Here are our reminders for the short week (sorry for the delay!).

Wednesday: FREE spaghetti meal to all who would like it, students need their recorder for music

Thursday: students need a change of clothes for gym

Friday: NO SCHOOL for students


Also, the grade 5 FI class is planning to have a yard sale of gently used toys and books. This is a fundraiser for the grade 5 FI end of the year field trip. If you have any items you'd like to donate, please send them in with your child or let me know and we can arrange something.

All for now!


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, May 6 2024


Added: Thu, Jun 20 2024