Posted: April 16, 2024
To help struggling parents out there! 1 of 2 videos
Posted: April 16, 2024
To help struggling parents out there! 1 of 2 videos
Posted: April 8, 2024
Happy Solar Eclipse day!
Grade 3's are officially done their Multiplication and Division Unit test. It will go home in the next few days. Next up, geometry. They are wrapping up good copies of their Animals projects and are beginning to learn about NB.
Grade 4's are wrapping up their multiplication and division unit now. 2 digit by 1 digit division is the last new thing (3 strategies) before their review and test. They are finishing up their good copies for their country projects and beginning to learn about NB.
With last week's unexpected storm and stopping to learn a bit about the eclipse, we are little delayed in timeline. All good!
Tomorrow is SOLO speech. Good luck to all those involved! Our class performs Thursday. Dress nicely please! Choir members will also be performing.
Here are your reminders:
TUES - café franco, solo speech, recorders needed
WED - recorders needed
THURS - Report cards go home (Monday's parent-teacher interview times will be included), Our class's music festival performance @11:10 @JMH & choir @JMH @10:20, gym clothes needed
FRI - gym clothes needed
MON - No school for students. Parent-Teacher in the afternoon and evening for those who requested an interview.
Here are some new pictures! King Street Elementary | 101 King St, Miramichi, NB E1N 2N1 <br>Tel: 506 778 6076 Fax: 506 778-6533 (
Posted: April 4, 2024
Posted: April 2, 2024
Hi folks!
It's Science Week! Each day students will be part of a presentation for Science Week! Today's was about Critter Dipping and vertebrae/invertebraes in ponds. We will also be learning about structures, the eclipse and the eclipse through the Mi'kmaw perspective.
Grade 4: continent and ocean test coming up on Wednesday. Test on division with remainders also on Wednesday. Keep an eye for a review pack heading home at the end of week for a unit test on multiplication and division next week.
Grade 3: review test on addition and subtraction Wednesday. Unit test on multiplication and division on Thursday. Packs heading home today!
Here are our reminders for the week:
WED: Public library card, KSE Library
THURS: gym clothes needed
FRI: gym clothes needed, Eclipse glasses going home
MON: 1/2 day for students (on count of Eclipse)
Posted: March 27, 2024
Posted: March 26, 2024
Hi folks!
A very, very short week but a busy one all the same. Is there ever a week that's not busy?!
Speaking English: Students continue to have "batons" (popsicle sticks). So you are better involved in their performance of speaking French in class, you will find a mark in their agenda at the end of the day. Grade 3 students have 5 batons while grade 4 students have 3 batons. So if you're grade 3 child has 3/5 at the end of the day, that means they were caught speaking English twice. It's okay to slip up from time to time but consistently isn't a good thing. We don't want their brains to reset into English when we are working in the French classroom. We will try to keep this going for a few weeks to help monitor the situation.
Grade 3: We are finishing up our animal research reports in both English and French (some have already completed their good copies while some have yet to complete the drafts). We will soon be starting a new unit on New Brunswick! In Math, students are wrapping up their unit on multiplication and division facts. A test will be held next week, followed by a quick revisit of addition and subtraction with regrouping. The review package will go home once the unit is mostly complete.
IXL | Division facts up to 10 | Grade 3 math
IXL | Multiplication facts up to 10 | Grade 3 math
Grade 4: We are finishing up our country research reports in both English and French (some have already completed their good copies while some have yet to complete the drafts). We will soon be starting a new unit on Canada! Next week students will be tested on the provinces, territories and capitals of Canada. In Math, students are wrapping up their unit on 2/3 digit by 1 digit multiplication and division, including division with remainders. Please help your child by reviewing the following questions and providing extra help if necessary. 62x8, 325x7, 18÷3, 45÷6, 65÷9. Answers are: 496, 2275, 6 and 7r2. A review package will go home once the unit is mostly complete. Don't mind the "grade 3 math" part. It's really grade 4 in NB!
IXL | Divide two-digit numbers with remainders using arrays | Grade 3 math
IXL | Divide two-digit numbers with remainders | Grade 3 math
Science Week: Next week is SCIENCE WEEK! Students will be participating in province-wide Science experiments, meetings etc. I'm sure they'll have lots to share!
Reminders for the week:
WED: Public library card (hoping to go if weather cooperates), KSE library books, recorder needed, Mango visit!
THURS: gym clothes needed
FRI: No school!
MON: No school!
TUES: Café Franco, recorder needed
WED: Grade 4 Canada province/territory/capitals test
Posted: March 18, 2024
Hi folks!
Apologies for the lack of pictures. We were having to much having Mme Young back, skating and dancing/drumming.
School work update: Grade 3 students are finishing up their animal writing pieces in both French and English. Grade 4 students are finishing up their country writing pieces in both French and English. Next week, Grade 4 students will be tested on knowing the 7 continents and 5 oceans. Practice sheet to go home tomorrow (Tuesday). Both grades are now working on division in Math.
Here are your reminders for this week:
TUES: Cafe Franco, need recorder
WED: need recorder
THURS: Wear blue/red/white/gold star, gym clothes needed
FRI: Gym clothes needed
MON (25th): No school for students
TUES: Cafe Franco, need recorder
All for now!
Posted: March 15, 2024
Hi folks!
Please check your child's bookbag this weekend. I've given them a "Mid-Term" report so you can see how they are doing in class. It is NOT a Report Card. Just a little snapshot/glimpse. All for now! Enjoy the weekend.
Posted: March 11, 2024
Hi folks!
And we are off to another busy week. I hope the time change and break served everyone well. We will keep it short and sweet.
Mme Young is back with us until mid-May! We are happy to have her back.
Here are your reminders!
TUES- need recorder, $1/$2 for dip (optional), Café Franco (no ordering from cafeteria)
WED- KSE library day, SKATING @LBA@10-10:30 (students needs their own helmet and skates)
THURS- Gym clothes needed
FRI- Gym clothes needed, Book Order due (optional)
MON- Gym clothes needed
Posted: March 1, 2024
Hi folks!
It was a busy, fun-filled week! I've updated some pictures on our site. This will be perfect for the students to look at when they're missing school over the break! Special thank you to everyone for being so great at sending in necessary items and to our volunteers!!
Students will head back to KSE on Monday, March 11th. Mme Young will be back with us then too!! Like every Monday, gym clothes will be needed.
All for now! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (