Mme. Robichaud

class pictures

Posted: September 11, 2024

Hi folks!

We had a great first trip to the Chatham Public Library! All students have checked out a book. If students had their own card or a sheet to receive a card, the book was checked out under the student. If not, I checked out the book for them. Once students are finished with their book, you can drop it off at any NB public library or give it to me and I can (I go there a lot).

Our regular KSE library day is Friday.

There is a memo going home today regarding the Terry Fox Walk at KSE. Our scholastic book order will be going home tomorrow.

Please take a moment to check out our class site: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary ( There are new pictures!

Posted: September 11, 2024

3 Prince and 3 Robichaud went to the library this morning. Great tour and great books! We hope to return in a few weeks.

Posted: September 9, 2024

We are lucky to have another grade 3 immersion in our school. With that being said, our plan is to group with them for some instructional time. Here is a glimpse into our shared library time and practicing our weekly Math game with them. Sorry for the sideways pics! We are all getting back into...

Posted: September 6, 2024

You made it! First week done!

Students are adjusting well and getting back into routine. We have a great group! Should ever you want to reach out, feel free to email me at

So far we've gone over sight words in French and English. Homework will start on Monday with words highlighted for you to review. They will also share a Math warm-up game that we've been using to start Math classes.

You folks ROCKED at getting in all the paperwork! Our class is working toward a reward - on Wednesday, September 11th we will be going on our first field trip! Weather permitting, we will be walking to the Chatham Public Library. We will be taking out books and completing an activity in the park. A page will be going home on Monday with further details.

Cross-country will be starting on Monday for students who chose to join. If you think your child may like to join, please feel free to reach out. Practices are afterschool each Monday and meets in the Miramichi/Blackville areas on Wednesday. This is completely an optional activity. Drives are not provided, no parent volunteers are needed and there is no fee to join. On CC days, I do ask that you send a note in their agenda or email to confirm that drives have been arranged.

All for now!

Have a great weekend.

Posted: August 30, 2024

Hi folks!
My name is Maggie Robichaud and I will be your child's Grade 3FI teacher.
School starts for all of our class on Tuesday, September 3rd and the cafeteria will be open that day (Menu is: Grab'n'Go and Grilled Cheese sandwiches and tomato hamburger macaroni soup). Throughout the week you'll receive lots of papers and memos, including one of what to expect in our class.
For now, I only need one thing from you. Please reply ASAP to this email and let me know what your child's after school arrangements will be for the first week of school(or the entire year if you already know). If they are going to be picked up, please let me know who will be picking them up. If they are going to take a bus, please provide the civic address of where they will be going(or if you already know the bus #). Easier to organize today than on the first day.
Kindly reply to this email with: 
Your Child's Name: 
After School Dismissal Information:
Thank you. If you have any other questions, please reach out. Apologies for the late email! Our school messenger email system is still listing my class from last year!
Looking forward to the year ahead!

Wahoo! So fun!

Posted: June 20, 2024

Brave kids to sing and perform at the same time! Awesome routine!

Posted: June 20, 2024

Wowzers! A student accompanied Charlee on the ukulele!

Posted: June 19, 2024

Way to go T Swift!

Posted: June 18, 2024

Hi folks!

A few reminders for the LAST week!

All items will be sent home Monday-Thursday so that only the report card and important memos will be sent home on Friday.

RE: FRIDAY - It is a full day. There will be an assembly in the morning. If your child has different than regular afterschool transportation, please let me know.


WED: Talent show day 1, special pre-order meal in the cafeteria (no other meals served)

THURS: Talent show day 2

FRI: Last day of school, full day, Assembly in AM.


Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Mar 15 2025


Added: Fri, Feb 28 2025