Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: December 12, 2023

Students had great fun exiting the stage!

Posted: December 8, 2023

Hi folks!
This coming week's reminders:
MONDAY: need gym clothes & sunglasses
TUESDAY: Christmas concert @1pm @KSE for Grades 3-5, need sunglasses
WEDNESDAY: Snow Date for Christmas Concert
THURSDAY: need gym clothes
FRIDAY: need gym clothes, secret santa gift due
LIBRARY BOOKS: Any library books must be returned to the library. KSE books! If you have any public library books that need to be returned, I head there often so feel free to send in too.
CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Our concert will be on Tuesday @1pm. Students are asked to dress nicely.
SECRE SANTA GIFT EXCHANGE: Please have your child's secret Santa gift wrapped and labelled TO: ______ FROM: Your Secret Santa. We ask that you have the gift into the school by Friday. If your child has lost their page, please let me know.
WEBSITES: As promised to many, here are our websites we use in class. Both of these are sites that I select questions to complete and can see their progress. It should also be written and/or glued on the inside cover of their agenda.
Here are some Math links for work we are now completing in class:
  • IXL Grade 3:IXL | Learn grade 3 math
    • Data and Graphs section, #4-11
    • Head start for January, Multiplication Skill Builders #1-6
    • Head start for January, Multiplication Fluency #2&6
  • IXL Grade 4:IXL | Learn grade 4 math
    • Data and Graphs section, #1-3 and 6-8
    • Head start for January, Multiplication, #1-3
    • Head start for January, Division, #1

Posted: December 4, 2023

Hi folks!

Parent-Teacher request slips have been placed in your child's agenda. There will be another copy in the report cards that are being sent home tomorrow. If your time no longer suits you, just send me an email or note in your child's agenda to keep me in the loop. Thanks! Also found in the report card will be a bright green page with what has been covered this term & an optional Secret Santa gift exchange. The page will be due this Thursday for those that want to participate. If money is a problem, please let me know and we can arrange for that. 

Snow has arrived! That means snow boots, snow pants, mitts, hats and jackets. Also, please help your child assure they have a water bottle for the day. There are no longer cups available at the school and it makes for a long day without water.

All for now! Check out our webpage Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Weekly Reminders:

Tues: Report cards head home, please sign and return envelope & reflection sheet

Wednesday: KSE library books, Public library card & books (if any)

Thursday: gym clothes needed, Parent-Teacher being held in the evening (6-7:30pm), Secret Santa page due on or before noon.

Friday: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Parent-Teacher being held in the morning (9-11am)

Posted: November 30, 2023

PJ DAY FRIDAY (tomorrow)!!!

Students earned 100 points and are using it tomorrow for a PJ/movie afternoon. They can opt to wear PJs, bring a blanket, bring a stuffy and some extra snacks. Way to go class!

Their next goal is to earn 60 points by Wednesday for a visit to the public library.

Posted: November 28, 2023

Hi folks!
The students and I are well aware of a second teacher in our class, but I'm pretty sure I forgot to tell you folks about it! This year, we have Amilya Young with us. She is a student-teacher from UNB. So, if you ever hear one of the students talking about Mme Young, they are referring to her! A page will go home this week about Parent-Teacher Interviews etc.
We also have Mme Andrée-Anne. She is a French Language Mentor that is assigned to our school. She rotates between French Immersion classes to provide classroom support. In our class, Mme Andrée-Anne provides extra support for reading interventions and to promote French language acquisition.
We've been fortunate to have lots of teachers for the students. Last week we had a great presentation by Peter and Deanna Gadd who have helped us learn about Tree Swallows. We even chose locations to install nest boxes for the spring. Make sure to check our class website for pictures of our adventures. Link: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (
Writing examples in both French and English have been sent home. Please sign and return if you haven't already. Thanks!
Cash draw tickets - Fill out form and send in money once you are ready. Tickets will be given to you in the weeks to come. Thank you in advance for supporting the school and hopefully winning some money!
Phew! That was a LONG one! As always, reach out should you need anything.
Wear appropriate outdoor clothing - it's chilly and often wet out there!

WED- KSE library books

THURS- gym clothes needed

FRI- Ugh, December 1st! Need gym clothes

Posted: November 23, 2023

Posted: November 22, 2023

Congrats to our Timberwolves ticket winners! They won because their parent replied to our class email first. Have fun Saturday night!
Winners were: Grace, Meadow, Ella, Charlee, Isabella and Archer!

Posted: November 21, 2023

Hi folks!

A little late, but here are some reminders/information for the upcoming days.

Skating is tomorrow. Students need to have their own skates and helmet. The school had offered days/times for you to borrow for the year. This is still available for future dates if you call the office. Our skating time is from approximately 9:45-10:30 @LBA. Students without skates stay at the school. If you are meeting your child at the LBA with their skates, please let me know in their agenda or via email/text.

Writing examples will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return. This shows where your child is at in their English and French writing.

Bird Presentation will be held for our class on Thursday by Peter & Deanna Gladd. They helped install our nest boxes and we have more to learn about.

Timberwolves tickets to give away! I have 10 student tickets to give away. If you would like one for your child(ren), email me back! This is a reward for reading this far! YAY! First come, first served.

All for now!

WED- skates & helmet, KSE library books

THURS- gym clothes needed

FRI- No School for students



WED- KSE library books

THURS- gym clothes needed

FRI- Ugh, December 1st! Need gym clothes

Posted: November 11, 2023

Posted: November 7, 2023

Hi folks!

Heads up - we will be going skating near the end of the month. Please start digging out your skates and helmet if necessary. If you'd like to borrow skates and helmets from the school for the year, today is the last day to do so until 5:30 pm. If they do not have skates on the day we go skating, they will not be able to attend.

Also, Grade 3 students have begun participating in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters sponsored program called SNAP. It stands for Stop Now and Plan and is a 12 lesson program that helps students stop and think before acting.

Our first Math unit is coming to a close and tests will be heading home tomorrow. Grade 3 please continue to review mixed money. Grade 4 please continue to review subtraction with regrouping.

*Our class website has some nice pictures up for your viewing pleasure! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary ( *


WED: library, SNAP for grade 3, grade 4 to have a special presentation by Mr. Bosma

THURS: gym clothes, Remembrance Ceremony @9am (please dress pretty if you are involved)

FRI: gym clothes

MON - No school.


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Added: Mon, May 6 2024


Added: Thu, Jun 20 2024