Posted: November 28, 2024
3R and 3P had tons of fun Monday learning about and making beaver lodges. Pictures too of a brain/activity break and our monthly assembly winners.
Posted: November 28, 2024
3R and 3P had tons of fun Monday learning about and making beaver lodges. Pictures too of a brain/activity break and our monthly assembly winners.
Posted: November 22, 2024
Hi folks!
We made it to Friday!
Report Cards go home Tuesday with Parent-Teacher on Thursday and Friday. Your time will be written in your child's agenda and in their report card. If you require more than one copy of a Report Card, please let me know. We are asked for the reflection page and envelope to be returned to the school.
For Science next week, we are asking students to bring in an empty plastic bottle to be used outside. They will be getting dirty so splash pants or a change of clothes are recommended. We are hoping to complete this experiment on Monday, weather permitting.
Here are your reminders for the upcoming week.
MON: splash pants/change of clothes, plastic bottle
TUES: Report Cards go home.
THURS: Parent-Teacher in the evening
FRI: No school for students, Parent-Teacher morning (9-11) and afternoon of learning for the teacher!
All for now! New pictures found here: Pictures up to Nov 18 | King Street Elementary
Posted: November 22, 2024
Started the week with some fun Science and ended the week with a UNITY art project.
Posted: November 18, 2024
Hi folks!
5 day week this week. We had a great start to it and are working hard.
Cash Draw Tickets were due today. If you have your page, you can send it in but the "first round" is closed for now. They want to make sure not to oversell as there are only 2000 tickets sold.
Recorder Money is being collected this week. If your child has one at home they'd like to use, please bring it to school Tuesday or Wednesday to show Mrs. McLean.
Writing Examples are to be signed and returned. English ones went home today. French ones last week. If you haven't sent it back signed, please do so.
Parent-Teacher Request form is being sent home tomorrow (Tuesday). Please fill out and return.
All for now!
Here are your reminders (and mine too!) for the week.
MON - Christmas Cash Draw tickets and $ due
TUES - bring recorder if you have one at home
WED - bring recorder if you have one at home
FRI - KSE Library day!
Updated pictures: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary
Posted: November 18, 2024
Science experiments, Remembrance Day and more.
Posted: November 13, 2024
KSE was super lucky to have Let's Talk Science presentations in many of our classrooms! The presenter did amazing and students loved the activities. Thank you Let's Talk Science UNB!
Posted: November 12, 2024
Hi folks!
Skating is tomorrow! A permission form is coming home today to allow your child to attend. They must have their own skates and helmet (there may be a later date to borrow these items but they will not be ready for tomorrow). Those that do not will stay behind at the school. If you'd like to reply to this email giving permission to attend and to let me know about their skates/helmet, that works! You are welcome to join the fun too or just help tie skates. Also, if you are meeting us at the rink please let me know via email or agenda so as to assure students will be met with their items.
Legion contest is due tomorrow. Totally optional! Permission form must be signed.
French reading cards will be replaced with a sticky note in the front of their book moving forward.
All for now!!
Posted: November 7, 2024
Hi folks!
Today you'll find their final French writing assignment of our first unit. Pretty cool to see the big jump from Grade 2 expectations to Grade 3. Please sign and return. You'll also find rules/form for the Remembrance Day contest. They can submit one for art (colour or black and white) or a writing. Some students said they'd like to complete it over the long weekend. It's totally optional.
In Math, we are now moving on to addition and subtraction strategies. Please continue to count money at home. We will continuously revisit this! Our first unit package has been sent home too. This stays home.
In French/English, we are moving on from our unit on descriptions to government. We are learning about rules, laws, government responsibilities etc. We will be working on writing letters to change a rule or law.
I didn't take many pictures this week so will update the website at the end of next week.
All for now!
Next week's reminders
FRI - No school for students
MON - No school
TUES - Science presentation in the afternoon.
WED - Skating @LBA (10-10:30), Remembrance Day Contest due date
THUS - Book order due
FRI - No school for students
Posted: November 1, 2024
Hi folks!
Longest. Week. Ever. That was a jammed packed week of fun and learning. Lots of short weeks in November to cram with fun and learning too. This week's highlights were obviously Halloween costumes and dance but also our Halloween Science afternoon! We wrapped up the week with a month-end assembly (congrats to our hard-earned winners!) and talks/art for Remembrance day. Most exciting to me is how close students are to learning the full game of crib. A great family activity that helps them with their mental math skills. Get ready for these card sharks!
A book order will be going home on Monday. It will be due Thursday, November 14th. You can order online or through me. Also, we have our $25 book winner Harrison! He collected the most dollars from others! Each week students receive $5. If they are caught speaking in English they owe $1. Students continue each week and it's a great way to monitor quiet conversations amongst students. Students can then "buy" a ticket for a chance to win the teacher chair for the week. The student with the most "cash" wins $25 from the book order! So fun! Some day I hope to get my teacher chair back. haha.
Heads up - skating is coming and permission forms will be heading home mid-week. Our first skating day will be Wednesday, November 13th @LBA @10-10:30. Students will need skates and an ice-helmet (no bicycle helmets allowed).
New pictures posted: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary
Weekly reminders:
WED- Remembrance Day Ceremony @10:30 @KSE. Dress pretty! Ivy & Novi are our wreath layers. Choir will be performing as well. Any Embers or Scouts are encouraged to wear their uniforms.
FRI- No school for students.
Posted: November 1, 2024
Crib, Halloween costumes & dance, Halloween Science, Poppy Art and Month-end Assembly for October. Now that's a photo dump!