Mme. Robichaud

class pictures

Posted: January 28, 2025

We learned about POTATOES! Our Science experiment last week was centered around quality control and using the right tools for the job. We also started a LOVE-ly art work - focusing again on using the right tools for the job.

Posted: January 21, 2025

Multiplication song

Posted: January 21, 2025

Hi folks!

Skating: We are going skating tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22, 2024!!!!   We will be leaving the school at approximately 9:30am.  Our actual ice time will be from 10-10:30 @LBA.  Students must have skates and a helmet.  Students can bring their skates and helmet to school with them in the morning or if you want to meet your child at the rink with their skates and helmet to help tie skates that would be awesome!!  Many hands make for light work. You are more than welcome to join! Boots and other footwear are not permitted on the ice at any time.

Weather: Students are reminded to DRESS WARMLY (Mittens/gloves, warm coat, snow pants).  It is a District policy that all students wear proper skating helmetsnot bicycle helmets. For safety reasons, students must wear skates and a helmet, or they will not be permitted on the ice.  

Scholastic:  If you want to order something for them, you can go to to place the order. Our class code RC198054.  When you use this code it builds points for our class and we can order free books for our class. I will submit the order tomorrow at 2:30.

Science: I am also asking for a few items to be sent in by Thursday, January 23, 2025 of this week for us to complete our science experiments. If you could please send in an aluminum/tin foil pie plate and either 2 small potatoes or one large potato per child it would be greatly appreciated.  Please send in as soon as possible as we need these items for Thursday, January 23, 2025.

Signed items: I sent home some items to be signed and returned on Friday. Please take a peek in your child's homework folder.

Solo Speech: Solo Speech forms are going home today for those interested. They are due back to the school on or before Friday, January 31st, along with the money. Totally optional! Students memorize a poem or speech to deliver in front of peers and at the Music Festival. They do not have to be memorized for Jan 31st, just picked out and planned!



MON: Snow day!
WED: skates and helmet, book order due
THURS: tin foil pie plate and potatoes needed
FRI: KSE Library book(s) due

Posted: January 13, 2025

Hi folks!

Back for another full week! Please take a look at our website for some cute photos and videos from our first week back. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary Among 'regular work', we also harvested our class-grown garlic and made some dip AND made ice cream with some freshly fallen snow! This week in Science we will be studying snow and why we don't eat it! haha.

Re: Music - Mrs McLean has decided to do her recorder unit a little bit later on. For those of you that need to dig out their recorders, I'll keep you posted. Those that purchased recorders will receive them when the unit begins.

Re: Scholastic Book orders - As a push to go paperless, here is the Book order flyer: Digital Flyers & Catalogues | Scholastic Canada Book Clubs. Our "class code" is: RC198054. Credits get awarded to our class for each order! The credits are used as a French speaking reward ($25 to one student every 2ish months - congrats to Harry and Bennett R our two winners so far!) and to purchase new books for our class.

Re: English/French - examples from our last unit will be sent home later this week to be signed and returned. Next up, we will be learning about the Animals of NB through a magic potion and research project.

Re: Math - We are taking a break from addition and subtraction (to be revisited later) and starting an introduction of multiplication!

Lots of learning happening at KSE! All for now!

-Mme R

Posted: January 10, 2025

A little outing to the Hill Street playground for getting all their work done!

Posted: January 9, 2025

Posted: January 9, 2025

3P and 3R had fun making icecream in Science today with SNOW. Yummy! Next week we will be conducting an experiment learning the contents of snow.

Posted: January 7, 2025

We are getting back into the swing of things practice adding and subtracting with regrouping using Marvel trading cards. We also grew our own Garlic and made some fresh, tasty dip from the harvest! Yum! Yum! a whole new meaning of "farm to table".

Posted: January 6, 2025

Hi folks!

Welcome to 2025. I hope you were able to spend some quality time with your loved ones over the break. We are easing back into things and finishing up work from December, including subtraction with regrouping and our opinion writing. Our class website has some new pictures up. Please take a look: Wrapping up 2025 | King Street Elementar


All for now! I'll end with our weekly reminders....

MON: go to bed early, it's been a long day!

TUES: recorder needed (if you're bringing one from home)

WED: recorder needed (if you're bringing one from home)


FRI: KSE library (most have been returned)

Posted: January 6, 2025

Pictures from the last week of school.


Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Mar 15 2025


Added: Fri, Feb 28 2025


3P & 3R schedule
3 Robichaud's Student Appreciation Day (June 9th)'s plan
Math Practice due on Friday (sent home Monday)
Les sites web pour le moyen age