Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: May 6, 2024

Hi folks!

A full week this week! We are wrapping up units in NB/Canada. We have started fractions for both Grade 3 and Grade 4. Black History research project to come to an end this week too.

Please take a peek at our class website for new pictures! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

All for now!


TUES: Café Franco, Mme Andrée-Anne's last day, recorder needed

WED: recorder needed

THURS: gym clothes needed

FRI: gym clothes needed

MON: gym clothes needed

Posted: May 6, 2024

Music Monday is a day to celebrate music across Canada. We sure do have some great talent at KSE! Thanks Mrs Comeau for showing us all this talent! Amazing job to Charlee for being the MC!

Thank you Mme Young for everything! You are already missed! Your future students are lucky to have you!

Posted: May 6, 2024

3D shapes in Math, DLMS play, month-end celebrations.

Posted: April 29, 2024

Hi folks!

Short week that's jammed packed! 

Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be heading to Dr Loisier Middle School to see their production of "Widdle Wed Widing Hood". Please send in $2 to help cover the cost.

This is Mme Young's last time with us. She wraps up her time on Wednesday with us. If your student has made anything special for her, Wednesday is the party! And, if you'd like to chip in for a gift - feel free to send it along by Tuesday. Mme Andrée-Anne's last day will be Tuesday May 7th if anyone has a special drawing etc for her. Any money for an extra gift will be collected by Monday. All optional of course!


Grade 4's - they chose to have their test today. Only about 1/2 were ready. If anyone wants to do their test on Wednesday, that's totally possible!

All for now!


TUES: Café Franco

WED: KSE library day, last day for Mme Young (party from 2-3pm, bring treats if you'd like)

THURS: No School for students

FRIDAY: No School for students

MONDAY: Gym clothes needed

TUESDAY: Café Franco

Posted: April 25, 2024

Students are asked to bring a container of PLAY-DOH tomorrow if possible. It'll be returned home at the end of the day. Best to put your name on it too. This is for a Math activity. We will be making 3D shapes.

Posted: April 23, 2024

Baby Shower for the new parents! We placed our eggs in the incubator today after playing Baby Shower literacy games in English.

Posted: April 23, 2024

Lots of Science fun, some Irish dancing and a presentation by two JMH students!

Posted: April 22, 2024

Hi folks!

Students have moved onto our units on NB (Grade 3) and Canada (Grade 4). Grade 3 are nearing the end of their geometry unit. Grade 4 are writing their multiplication and division test tomorrow and moving onto geometry too. In English, students will begin their research projects - a biography. We've just finished the shared writing! Science is still roaring away too.

HOMEWORK: please read their guided reading book each night and work on Math for 5 minutes. Small examples, splashlearn and mental math games/cards go a long way!

MRS YOUNG & MME ANDREE-ANNE: Mme Andree-Anne has provided lots of extra support for some of our readers. Her time is nearing an end (her last day is May 30). Mme Young, our student teacher, is with us until May 1st. Some students were hoping to get a little something for both/either of these teachers. If you are interested in chipping in for a combined gift, please secretly send some money in. Gifts can also be homemade and brought in too! We've been lucky to have them both. If you decide to participate, simply send along with a label for whom and I'll hold them until our going away parties and make sure credit is given where credit is due.


Highlights for this week

TUES: Café Franco, chick eggs to go in incubator, Grade 4 math test, recorder needed for music

WED: recorder needed for music, presentation for Natural resources, *possible* trip to the Chatham library (will confirm in agenda) with city garbage clean-up, bring gloves!

THURS: gym clothes needed

FRI: gym clothes needed

MON: gym clothes needed

Posted: April 16, 2024

Hi folks!

Another week already!

Math: Students are asked to practice their Math facts for 5 minutes each night. This can include but not be limited to - flash cards, Splash Learn, roll dice/deck of cards (addition or multiplication), worksheets, practice questions etc.


Grade 4 families: check out our class website with a "new" way to divide that students have started practicing in class. Some students will be bringing a practice page home tomorrow and teaching YOU how to do a question on your own! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (


Summer French Programs: Many parents were asking about summer French programs on the Miramichi. Carrefour Beausoleil's library does have a GREAT selection of activities for free that you can attend. They also have a small tutoring program that's available too. From time to time I receive information of other tutors in the area and have attached one to this message. thumbnail_IMG_1116.jpg 


Gum: A couple students need to have gum as a strategy to help them concentrate in the classroom. It's been decided from a school and in conjunction with their parents. If any other parent feels like it may help their child, just send in a note. If it ever begins to become a problem, then the privilege/strategy is removed as it is no longer effective.


*Website pictures have been updated (sorry for the delay and lack of pictures)*


Weekly reminders

WED: KSE library day, recorder needed

THURS: gym clothes needed

FRI: gym clothes needed, David Myles virtual concert

MON: gym clothes needed


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Oct 4 2024


Added: Sat, Sep 28 2024


3P & 3R schedule
3 Robichaud's Student Appreciation Day (June 9th)'s plan
Math Practice due on Friday (sent home Monday)
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