Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: February 14, 2025

Hi folks!

Here are the happenings for next week. Also, I've uploaded our class site with some new pictures from this week Up to Feb 14 2025 | King Street Elementary. Hoping you all get a few extra hours to spend with your family this weekend!

Our class will be matching up with 3 Prince for some Winter Carnaval fun the last week of February. The information notice will go home on Tuesday. Thanks to our volunteers! I will be reaching out soon.

-Mme R


MON: No School - family day!

TUES: Recorders needed

WED: Recorders needed, Special Science class!


FRI: KSE Library day!, Winter Carnaval form due back to me!

Posted: February 14, 2025

What a week! Special thanks to home and school for a healthy snack on Wednesday - fruit cups! Finished off the week with a delayed start, some heart beat fun in Science and our class Valentine party.

Posted: February 11, 2025

Hi Folks!

Apologies for being slack on the weekly email! Here's a quick update. We are wrapping up our French magic potion and English research report, as well as our unit on Multiplication and Division. Next up will be French research report, English magic potion and in Math, fractions! In music they are practicing those lovely recorders and in gym, curling! Our website has new pictures - Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary

At the end of this email there is information about free tutoring should you be interested. It fills quickly! There are also local tutors around if you're looking for some help with that.

All for now!

-Mme R :)

Weekly reminders:

WED: Recorder needed


FRI: KSE library books, Valentine's party (bring Valentines to exchange and a treat for the class if you wish).



Good afternoon, 

Parents for Bilingual Education New Brunswick has additional spots available for our Free Tutoring Program.

We first launched this program last fall in partnership with Apprendre Franco-Fun and participating families have been seeing great results.

Applications are now open again. Spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please pass this information along to teachers and parents in Anglophone North, and tell them to apply right away using this FORM!

Who is Eligible?

This program is available to all students from Grades 1 to 12 registered in New Brunswick’s Anglophone school system, regardless of French program (French Immersion, PIF, English Prime). Tutoring is for any student who needs it!

How Does it Work?

Each free tutoring spot consists of five individual online tutoring sessions, offered by Apprendre Franco-Fun. Parents will receive an email from Apprendre Franco-Fun and should reply as soon as possible to schedule an initial free assessment of the student. Then, the family can schedule their five free 25-minute tutorials.

Who Gets What?

These spots will be available to students in each Anglophone School District and will be filled on a first come first serve basis. This application form will only be used by families in Anglophone North.

Once notified of their acceptance, families have two weeks to make arrangements with Apprendre Franco-Fun (emailing to schedule an initial assessment). If no arrangements have been made, we will offer their spot to the next person on the waitlist.

Families are welcome to reapply.

What’s the Catch?

There is no catch! Families do not pay a cent for this service. Parents for Bilingual Education New Brunswick is pleased to offer this free tutoring program thanks to generous funding from Patrimoine Canadian Heritage.

When parents apply to any of our programs, they receive an automatic free Parents for Bilingual Education New Brunswick membership. Being a membership organization helps us to advocate for more and better French second language training in New Brunswick.

What if Families Want More Tutoring?

Good news! This year, Apprendre Franco-Fun is offering a discount to any families wishing to continue their tutoring service after they have used their five free tutoring sessions. Parents can purchase more sessions at a discount. We hope this discount will make tutoring accessible to more families. 

Again, here is the application FORM!     for parents to fill out for FREE TUTORING.


Questions? Feel free to contact us anytime at

Posted: February 7, 2025

Started the week with a book draw! Also had a free breakfast and we made our own butter! 

Posted: February 1, 2025

Science experiment on snow (should we eat it?), month end assembly, a special visit from Mme LeBouthillier and Art to end off the week.

Posted: January 28, 2025

We learned about POTATOES! Our Science experiment last week was centered around quality control and using the right tools for the job. We also started a LOVE-ly art work - focusing again on using the right tools for the job.

Posted: January 21, 2025

Multiplication song

Posted: January 21, 2025

Hi folks!

Skating: We are going skating tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22, 2024!!!!   We will be leaving the school at approximately 9:30am.  Our actual ice time will be from 10-10:30 @LBA.  Students must have skates and a helmet.  Students can bring their skates and helmet to school with them in the morning or if you want to meet your child at the rink with their skates and helmet to help tie skates that would be awesome!!  Many hands make for light work. You are more than welcome to join! Boots and other footwear are not permitted on the ice at any time.

Weather: Students are reminded to DRESS WARMLY (Mittens/gloves, warm coat, snow pants).  It is a District policy that all students wear proper skating helmetsnot bicycle helmets. For safety reasons, students must wear skates and a helmet, or they will not be permitted on the ice.  

Scholastic:  If you want to order something for them, you can go to to place the order. Our class code RC198054.  When you use this code it builds points for our class and we can order free books for our class. I will submit the order tomorrow at 2:30.

Science: I am also asking for a few items to be sent in by Thursday, January 23, 2025 of this week for us to complete our science experiments. If you could please send in an aluminum/tin foil pie plate and either 2 small potatoes or one large potato per child it would be greatly appreciated.  Please send in as soon as possible as we need these items for Thursday, January 23, 2025.

Signed items: I sent home some items to be signed and returned on Friday. Please take a peek in your child's homework folder.

Solo Speech: Solo Speech forms are going home today for those interested. They are due back to the school on or before Friday, January 31st, along with the money. Totally optional! Students memorize a poem or speech to deliver in front of peers and at the Music Festival. They do not have to be memorized for Jan 31st, just picked out and planned!



MON: Snow day!
WED: skates and helmet, book order due
THURS: tin foil pie plate and potatoes needed
FRI: KSE Library book(s) due

Posted: January 13, 2025

Hi folks!

Back for another full week! Please take a look at our website for some cute photos and videos from our first week back. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary Among 'regular work', we also harvested our class-grown garlic and made some dip AND made ice cream with some freshly fallen snow! This week in Science we will be studying snow and why we don't eat it! haha.

Re: Music - Mrs McLean has decided to do her recorder unit a little bit later on. For those of you that need to dig out their recorders, I'll keep you posted. Those that purchased recorders will receive them when the unit begins.

Re: Scholastic Book orders - As a push to go paperless, here is the Book order flyer: Digital Flyers & Catalogues | Scholastic Canada Book Clubs. Our "class code" is: RC198054. Credits get awarded to our class for each order! The credits are used as a French speaking reward ($25 to one student every 2ish months - congrats to Harry and Bennett R our two winners so far!) and to purchase new books for our class.

Re: English/French - examples from our last unit will be sent home later this week to be signed and returned. Next up, we will be learning about the Animals of NB through a magic potion and research project.

Re: Math - We are taking a break from addition and subtraction (to be revisited later) and starting an introduction of multiplication!

Lots of learning happening at KSE! All for now!

-Mme R


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Feb 28 2025


Added: Fri, Feb 28 2025


Hackmatack for 3/4 Robichaud
Home-learning Oct 12, 13 and 14 2021
Place Value activity (Home-learning Oct 12-14 2021)
Mots fréquents - par niveau