Mme. Robichaud

class pictures

Posted: November 7, 2024

Hi folks!

Today you'll find their final French writing assignment of our first unit. Pretty cool to see the big jump from Grade 2 expectations to Grade 3. Please sign and return. You'll also find rules/form for the Remembrance Day contest. They can submit one for art (colour or black and white) or a writing. Some students said they'd like to complete it over the long weekend. It's totally optional.

In Math, we are now moving on to addition and subtraction strategies. Please continue to count money at home. We will continuously revisit this! Our first unit package has been sent home too. This stays home.

In French/English, we are moving on from our unit on descriptions to government. We are learning about rules, laws, government responsibilities etc. We will be working on writing letters to change a rule or law.

I didn't take many pictures this week so will update the website at the end of next week.


All for now!

Next week's reminders

FRI - No school for students

MON - No school

TUES - Science presentation in the afternoon.

WED - Skating @LBA (10-10:30), Remembrance Day Contest due date

THUS - Book order due

FRI - No school for students

Posted: November 1, 2024

Hi folks!

Longest. Week. Ever. That was a jammed packed week of fun and learning. Lots of short weeks in November to cram with fun and learning too. This week's highlights were obviously Halloween costumes and dance but also our Halloween Science afternoon! We wrapped up the week with a month-end assembly (congrats to our hard-earned winners!) and talks/art for Remembrance day. Most exciting to me is how close students are to learning the full game of crib. A great family activity that helps them with their mental math skills. Get ready for these card sharks!

A book order will be going home on Monday. It will be due Thursday, November 14th. You can order online or through me. Also, we have our $25 book winner Harrison! He collected the most dollars from others! Each week students receive $5. If they are caught speaking in English they owe $1. Students continue each week and it's a great way to monitor quiet conversations amongst students. Students can then "buy" a ticket for a chance to win the teacher chair for the week. The student with the most "cash" wins $25 from the book order! So fun! Some day I hope to get my teacher chair back. haha.

Heads up - skating is coming and permission forms will be heading home mid-week. Our first skating day will be Wednesday, November 13th @LBA @10-10:30. Students will need skates and an ice-helmet (no bicycle helmets allowed).

New pictures posted: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary

Weekly reminders:



WED- Remembrance Day Ceremony @10:30 @KSE. Dress pretty! Ivy & Novi are our wreath layers. Choir will be performing as well. Any Embers or Scouts are encouraged to wear their uniforms.


FRI- No school for students.

Posted: November 1, 2024

Crib, Halloween costumes & dance, Halloween Science, Poppy Art and Month-end Assembly for October. Now that's a photo dump!

Posted: October 28, 2024

Apple Academy day on Monday followed by Paper Airplane Science! Virtual presentation about Nuclear Power on Wednesday. Layla won a book and whole class learned about atoms! Smarty pants! Monster writing, Halloween Math and skeleton making to finish off the week.

Posted: October 18, 2024

Hi folks!

A full week next week as we creep towards Halloween. Heading home Monday will be a "mid-term" for your child. This is something that Mme Prince and I like to do before the first report card.

Halloween plans for our class - School wide costume dance Wed Oct 30. Students can wear masks at the dance but we ask for no costume props (especially weapons). Our class will exchange treats that afternoon too. If you'd like to send in a small something, it'd be appreciated by the students (but probably not their afterschool supervisor).

Cross-country students' season has come to an end. Please return jerseys to me. Thanks!

New pictures uploaded to our site! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Next week reminders:

MON: Keynote Ipad Activity for our class

TUES: Picture retakes (send a note/reply if you'd like them)

WED: Nuclear Power Presentation for our class


FRI: KSE Library book

Posted: October 18, 2024

Library visit, cross-country "presentation" and catching some of the District soccer jamboree. I promise we did work too!

Posted: October 15, 2024

Hi folks!

A few extra things on the go. Tomorrow, October 16, 2024, we will be going to the Chatham Library.  We will be leaving the school at around 9:30 and returning around 11:30.  Please make sure your child is wearing proper footwear for the walk, dressed for the weather and have their Public Library card.


Picture retakes will be taking place on October 22.  Please send in a note if you would like for your child to have retakes. Only those who have notified me will be able to pop down for retakes.

And finally, Mrs McLean is preparing the Remembrance Day slideshow. If there is a family member you'd like included in the slideshow, please email Mrs McLean with a photo and return the form. Here's a copy of last year's slideshow to see if your child has already been included or not. My own Father is on slide 51! hehe. If there is a new sibling in the school, please fill out the form too.

Remembrance Day 2012 (

Posted: October 11, 2024

Hi folks!

Happy long weekend. Enjoy the extra time with your kids. I know I will!

We didn't end up going for the Great Pumpkin walk as the class didn't have enough hard work points. We will try again next week. We are hoping to have enough points to go downtown on Wednesday for a Public Library visit too.

I just uploaded some pictures to our class site. Take a peek if you have a chance.Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (



Monday: No school


Wednesday: Public Library visit and downtown Great Pumpkin walk


Friday: KSE Library Day

Posted: October 11, 2024

Busy week of flying paper airplanes for Science, Fire Safety presentation, step one of learning to play crib and tricking them into doing Math with Marvel cards.

Posted: October 9, 2024

Tomorrow, October 10, 2024, our class along with Madame Prince's class will be going for a walk.  We will be going downtown to go for a walking tour of the Downtowns Great Pumpkin Walk.  Please make sure your child is dressed properly for the walk with proper footwear, jacket, etc. We will be leaving the school shortly after 1:00 and returning before 2:45. This activity will be weather dependent.

Thank you, 

Madame Robichaud


Image Galleries

Added: Sat, Mar 15 2025


Added: Fri, Feb 28 2025