Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: February 21, 2023

Mme Kaley McGraw and Mrs Flanagan brought the other half of the class back to Bridgeview Hall. They had lots of fun seeing the residents again and meeting a few new friends. Special thanks to Joanne Hardy and Jordan's mom Amanda Quinn! So much fun getting to know our friends. So amazing to see...

Posted: February 21, 2023

What a great visit! Thank you for having us Losier Hall. Mme Robichaud and half our class visited with some skilled cars players today. Special thanks to Kia Lynch for hosting us and Edie's mom Alyssa for giving us a special visit around a "court" with Lola the cat. They played crib, 7up, Crazy...

Posted: February 21, 2023

Hi folks!

We had a great field trip today with half the class going to Losier Hall and the other half heading back to Bridgeview. Some tough competition with the cards. Pictures to be uploaded soon!


Here are some reminders for the rest of the week:

Wednesday: PINK SHIRT DAY and don't forget to bring your recorder.

Thursday: gym clothes needed

Friday: gym clothes needed


All for now!

Posted: February 16, 2023

Thank you to the Nelson Ski Club for having us! We had loads of laughs.

Posted: February 16, 2023

Check out our fun Lunar New Year lanterns and our visit by Mr Hembrough, Grayson and Brett makers of our crib boards!

Posted: February 15, 2023

Hi folks!

We are going to the Nelson Ski Club tomorrow (11:30-2) to go CROSS COUNTRY SKIING! We had the chance at this last minute and I jumped on it! We are looking for parent volunteers to come join the fun. No experience necessary and there is equipment you can use at the club. Come play!

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS A PACKED LUNCH FOR TOMORROW (THURSDAY). Light snowpants, hat and mitts are suggested.

Friday will be a regular school day. Monday is FAMILY DAY (no school) and on Tuesday we will be going to Losier Hall and Bridgeview to play crib with some residents in the morning.

I think we are having too much fun!

All for now.

Posted: February 13, 2023

Hi folks!

Here are the highlights of the week to help stay organized....

Monday: already done!

Tuesday: recorder, Valentine's Day party (don't forget your Valentine's, treats for the class is optional)

Wednesday: recorder, wear red & white for Flag Day

Thursday: need your gym clothes

Friday: need your gym clothes & a school concert to attend in the afternoon


Here is the link for our class site to check out some pictures I've snapped from last week's Field Trip, Skating and Skiing.

All for now!

Posted: February 8, 2023

Skating fun at the LBA and then the class cashed in some good behaviour points for a fun afternoon of skiing at the school. Special thanks to Jimmy for setting the tracks and Mrs Comeau for organizing boots and skis. They should sleep good tonight.

Posted: February 7, 2023

Students received a fantastic tour of Bridgeview today, played some cards and met some great residents. Thank you Bridgeview for accommodating us! Future employees in the works.


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, May 6 2024


Added: Thu, Jun 20 2024