Mrs. Corcoran

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Posted: November 2, 2021

You can continue to use the Virtual Daily schedule for some suggestions to help you with learning from home. Continue to work on the choice board that was posted on Monday. Please keep working on printing your name and learning the letters in your name. Be sure to use a capitol letter at the beginning of your name and then the remaining letters should be lowercase letters. Do your best! :)

You can also listen to Jack Hartmann's Kindergarten Alphabet Song on youtube  This is a great song to practice your letters and sounds.

I see that some of you are using Squiggle Park, Splash Math and Zorbit's Math. PLease contact me by email if you need any help with any of these online learning websites.

Keep up the wonderful work at home! I miss you all!

Mrs. Corcoran :)

Posted: November 1, 2021

Posted: November 1, 2021

A big "Hello" to all my students! I hope you all had a very safe and happy Halloween! If there is anything I can help you with please email me at

Posted: November 1, 2021

*Please continue to use the Squiggle Park website.


1. Visit Squiggle Park at  (Literacy Skills Practice)

2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Student Play

3. Click on the arrow in the center of the screen 

4. Enter the Group/Access code that was sent home with the Squiggle Park instructions.

5. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner

6. Select your child’s name

7. Enter your child’s player code

8. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner




*Please continue to use the Splash Math website.


1. Visit Splash Math at or Download the SplashLearn iPad app and login as student (Math Skills Practice)

2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Log In 

3. Log in as Student 

4. Enter class code: LJVVVL

5. Select your child’s name

6. Click on the picture of the pylon/safety cone




*Please continue to use the Zorbit's Math website.


1. Visit Zorbit's Math at to play on a computer, laptop or Chromebook.

   To play on an iPad, download the Zorbit’s Math Adventure app from the App Store. (If you don’t see the app, please update to the latest version of the iOS.)

2. Enter the username and password that was sent home with your child.


*Zorbit’s Math is not available on Android devices or iPhones.  

Posted: November 1, 2021

Home Learning November 1-5                                                           

Draw apicture of some of your favorite treats from Halloween night.  Can you label the items in your picture?

Practiceprinting your name.Workon usingan uppercase letteratthestartand the restinlowercase. Can you name all the letters in your name?

Make some letters using playdoh or go outside and use sticks.

Practiceidentifying the beginningsound in words.Whatisthe beginning sound in dog?hen?cat? Whatwordsdoyou knowthathavethe samemiddlesound? Try makingalist.

Write the numbers 1-10 on sticky notes and have someone hide them around the house. Go collect the sticky notes, then put the numbers in order!

Makeapatternwith itemsyoufind inyour house.Gooutside andmakepatternswith leaves, sticks, rocks, etc.

Play a game of Number After: Someone says a number and you have to say what number comes after as fast as you can!

Making sets of “five”: Make a set of five using things around your house such as your toys, books, shoes, pillows, etc.

·       Continue to practice naming your letters, sounds and numbers 0-10.

·       Continue to practice your sight words.

·       Continue to read and be read to each day.




·       Explore Squiggle Park.  If you need help with your login, please email your teacher.

·       ExplorSplash Math or Zorbit’s Math.  If you need help with your login, please email your teacher.

·       Explore the games and activities on these websites:




PDF icon home_learning_nov1-5.pdf126.95 KB

Posted: October 14, 2021

Home Learning October 15th


Speaking and Listening


Choose from the following:


Listen to a story on or have an adult read a book to you.

Discuss your favorite part of the story.


*Interview members of your family and ask them what they like about Fall.


*Listen to these songs about rhyme:


Have fun doing the calendar on




Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:


Review your letters on


Your child can work on the Covid folder that was sent home in the event of a school closure due to Covid 19.


*Please continue to use the Squiggle Park website.


1. Visit Squiggle Park at  (Literacy Skills Practice)

2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Student Play

3. Click on the arrow in the center of the screen 

4. Enter the Group/Access code that was sent home with the Squiggle Park instructions.

5. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner

6. Select your child’s name

7. Enter your child’s player code

8. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner




*Please continue to use the Splash Math website.


1. Visit Splash Math at or Download the SplashLearn iPad app and login as student (Math Skills Practice)

2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Log In 

3. Log in as Student 

4. Enter class code: LJVVVL

5. Select your child’s name

6. Click on the picture of the pylon/safety cone



I hope you have a chance to get outside and relax and enjoy! If there is anything I may be able to help you with, please contact me at



Posted: October 14, 2021

King Street Elementary Remembrance Day Program 2021

We are collecting photos of family members who served or who are currently serving in the military. We will be having a slideshow presentation as part of our 2021 “Virtual” Remembrance Day Program. This slide show will be uploaded on our KSE school website

NOTE –    If an older sibling has submitted a photo in the past, they will not need to resubmit.  Please update family photo if they have a brother or sister that now attends KSE. 

Please e-mail the photo of the veteran to,


Please complete the form below and return back by October28,2021


Name of student(s) - ____________________________________________________

Classroom teacher - _____________________________________________________

Name of veteran/active military personnel:__________________________________________________________

Relationship to student(s) - _______________________________________________

Important information: example – WWI, WWII


Posted: October 12, 2021

Home Learning October 12-14, 2021 Speaking and Listening Listen to a story on Have an adult read a book to you. Discuss the story. Do the calendar on ============================================================= Alphabet Review the letter/sounds by playing this song: Review the letters on Your child can work on the Covid folder that was sent home in the event of a school closure due to Covid 19. 1. Visit Squiggle Park at (Literacy Skills Practice) 2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Student Play 3. Click on the arrow in the center of the screen 4. Enter the Group/Access code that was sent home with the Squiggle Park instructions. 5. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner 6. Select your child’s name 7. Enter your child’s player code 8. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner 1. Visit Splash Math at or Download the SplashLearn iPad app and login as student (Math Skills Practice) 2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Log In 3. Log in as Student 4. Enter class code: LJVVVL 5. Select your child’s name 6. Click on the picture of the pylon/safety cone *If there is anything you need help with, please email me at

Posted: October 6, 2021


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Added: Mon, Nov 22 2021