Mme. Robichaud

Let curiosity take the lead

Posted: September 16, 2017

Sorry for a few blurry heads - I'm trying my best with the red blinds and wiggly students.  First set of pictures (AM): reading groups. Second set of pictures (PM): Social Studies assignment on observation using Mme's artifacts.

Posted: September 14, 2017

Quiz de Math - Most fridays we have a test of some sort to assess what we've been learning.  Why every week?!  So we can gain confidence, show parents what we are learning and reteach concepts.  This Friday (Sept 15th) will be our first quiz!

Soccer Turf - Grand Opening Friday, Sept 15th @6:30.  Choir students are asked to be there at 6:15pm.  Come check it out!  There will be 50/50 tickets for sale that go towards our playground.  (Blue memo sent home Thursday, Sept 14th regarding this opening).

Picture Day - Grade 3-5 have picture day on Friday, Sept 22nd.  If you have a sibling in the school, please let me know.  We can arrange to have a picture done with your siblings too.

Posted: September 12, 2017

Thank you for the cookies!

Posted: September 12, 2017

Math - Multiplication

Want to "work ahead"?  Practice up your multiplication skills to be all set!  You know your facts and it'll make your life MUCH easier!

Posted: September 12, 2017

Math - Dictee des nombres

Quiz on Friday, Sept 15th with this!

A much better site than the last (I deleted the other link).  We are responsible for numbers up to 1 000 000 in grade 5.  They must be able read/listen and write the number with numerals as well as writing out numbers with words.

Ex. 23 987 = vingt-trois mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-sept.

Ex. cent quarante-cinq mille dix-neuf = 141 019.

*Pay special attention to 60/70 (soixante/soixante-dix), and 80/90 (quatre-vingt/quatre-vingt-dix).  This is often where students waiver in their confidence.*

Posted: September 12, 2017

Math - Converting between place values


A tough concept to grasp but once you have it - you're set!

*Side note: IXL has amazing questions and explains concepts really well BUT not all concepts listed under "grade 5" will be covered in NB's Grade 5.*

Posted: September 12, 2017

Reading at Home - Il etait une histoire

Here's a link for students to use as part of their reading at home.  Some stories have a listening component as well so students can check their pronounciation.

Posted: September 7, 2017

Avery, Madison, Zackary, Ben = une chaise

Luke, David, Emma, Kailyn = un pupitre

Ryan, Jessica, Emmett, Brooklyn = un chien

Astrid, Curtis, Chase = un crayon

Posted: September 7, 2017

On a un site web!


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Added: Wed, Sep 11 2024


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