Mme. Robichaud Notes

Let curiosity take the lead


Posted: November 7, 2023

Hi folks!

Heads up - we will be going skating near the end of the month. Please start digging out your skates and helmet if necessary. If you'd like to borrow skates and helmets from the school for the year, today is the last day to do so until 5:30 pm. If they do not have skates on the day we go skating, they will not be able to attend.

Also, Grade 3 students have begun participating in the Big Brothers, Big Sisters sponsored program called SNAP. It stands for Stop Now and Plan and is a 12 lesson program that helps students stop and think before acting.

Our first Math unit is coming to a close and tests will be heading home tomorrow. Grade 3 please continue to review mixed money. Grade 4 please continue to review subtraction with regrouping.

*Our class website has some nice pictures up for your viewing pleasure! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary ( *


WED: library, SNAP for grade 3, grade 4 to have a special presentation by Mr. Bosma

THURS: gym clothes, Remembrance Ceremony @9am (please dress pretty if you are involved)

FRI: gym clothes

MON - No school.

Posted: October 30, 2023

Happy Halloween & First snow fall week!

Grade 4 students will have a Math sheet to sign today. This is adding and subtracting with regrouping. It is simply to show you where they are with this skill that was taught in grade 2 & 3. Feel free to review at home and we become experts in class. Grade 3 students are currently reviewing and preparing for their first Math test. If you're looking to help practice at home, adding change together and skip counting by 2, 3, 4, and 5 can help.

Our reminders:

Tuesday - Actually Halloween but secretly not Halloween at school.

Wednesday - Library Day

Thursday - Gym clothes needed & Picture Retake day (please write a note in the agenda to have their picture taken)

Friday - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS. This is a District Based Professional Learning Day for teachers.


All for now!

Posted: October 23, 2023

Hi folks!

Another busy week ahead - is there ever a week that isn't?!

  • Gardening gloves: I'm asking for students to bring in a pair of gardening gloves or gloves that can be dirty. We will be harvesting the last bit of the garden and planting garlic this week and next. Please keep them in their bookbag if possible.
  • Jerseys: Cross-country members and school soccer players are asked to return their jerseys by tomorrow. There will also be a team picture tomorrow.
  • Black Light / Choir: Black Light performance will be watched by our whole school on Thursday morning. Open to the public on Thursday night @6:30pm. Choir members are asked to be at JMH for 5:45.
  • Library: Our class will be visiting both the school library and Chatham public library on Wednesday morning. Please dress according to the weather. Don't forget your library card!
  • Halloween: celebrations at KSE will be held on Monday, October 30th. Stay tuned for more information from the office. We have 23 students in the class. No peanuts please!


*ALL WEEK* = gardening gloves

TUES: First Nations Drumming assembly

WED: School library books needed, Public Library Card & Field Trip

THURS: Black light performance in AM, need gym clothes

FRI: need gym clothes

Posted: October 16, 2023

Hi folks!
Just wanted to send along a few links for those interested. They're great if children are sick, if they forget their book at school or if you'd like to give a little boost to them.
  1. Our class website: always being updated with pictures and a copy of emails sent. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (
  2. French Literacy website: specific to each child, we review sounds in small groups etc. Lalilo | Teacher dashboard
  3. Splash Learn: math website specific to each child, review concepts that mirror what is being taught in class. SplashLearn Sign In
Another great site for Math is IXL | Math and English Language Arts Practice. Here are some specific links that we are currently covering in class. Please keep in mind that this site is not specific to NB so grade level content may be off a bit and does not reflect that your child is behind or ahead etc.
Grade 3: IXL | Learn grade 3 math : Place Value #1, 3, 5, 11 and Addition #1
Grade 4: IXL | Learn grade 4 math: Number Sense #1-3, 6 and Addition #4, 7, 10, 18
In both French and English we are beginning our unit writing on a description. Grade 3 they describe themselves. Grade 4 describe someone they admire. We have also continued word work in both languages. Guided reading books continue to be sent home. Grade 3 students also received sight words for each reading level in French from A-I and a board game to go along with them. Feel free to practice as you wish.
Re: Library. We have a tentative plan to visit the Public Library on Wednesday, October 25th. Public library cards will be needed that day. For those that applied a card, the library will have them on hand that day.
If ever you have any questions about your child's progress, never hesitate to reach out.
Tuesday, Oct 24th:
Wednesday, Oct 25th: school library books
Thursday, Oct 26th: gym clothes needed
Friday, Oct 27th: gym clothes needed, soccer jamboree for those Grade 4 student involved (memo went home today)
All for now!

Posted: October 6, 2023

Hi folks!

A quick reminder that there is no school on Monday, October 9th or Friday, October 13th.

Students in our class that have opted to sing with the Kindergarten students in the Grandparents Day Concert on Tuesday (@9am) are asked to dress nicely. They're welcome to bring a change of clothes.


A few reminders for next week:

MONDAY: No school


WEDNESDAY: library day!

THURSDAY: gym clothes needed, book orders due on or before this date

FRIDAY: No school for students


All for now! I hope you're able to enjoy the beautiful weather and have a few hearty meals and laughs with your loved ones.

-Mme R

Posted: October 3, 2023

Hi Folks!

Our week is off to a fast start as it's already Tuesday. Each night students should be reading their levelled English and French books. School pictures are going home today. The retake date has not been given as of yet. It looks like orders will done online this year.

The Chatham Public Library is slated to reopen next week. Once I have a date set for a visit, I will let you know. In the meantime, if any child does not have a NB public library card and would like one, please let know and I'll send the form home with them.

Students have been working hard in our garden. Check out some photos on our class website: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary ( They are uploading now.

All for now!

-Mme R



Wednesday: library day

Thursday: gym clothes needed

Friday: gym clothes needed

Next Week: NO SCHOOL on Monday (for all) and NO SCHOOL on Friday (for students).

Posted: September 27, 2023

Hi folks!

Just a few more things for you to be aware of.....

Tomorrow (Thursday): hat day for all students (no money necessary) and they also receive extra recess time for having raised $2000+ for Terry Fox Foundation. Gym clothes still needed.

Friday: special meal money and order form are due AND it's Orange Shirt Day. Gym clothes still needed.

*No school on Monday*


Also, students are expected to read in English and French each night. We will be switching the English books tomorrow. Our class is hoping to head to the Chatham Public Library in mid-October. Please let me know if you do not have a library card and would like one.

Some sweet pictures are on our class website.

All for now!


Posted: September 25, 2023

Hi folks!

Homework is pretty straight forward: read in English and read in French. Levelled books are exchanged each week (Mondays in French and Tuesdays in English). Here are our reminders for the week.

Mon - Terry Fox walk, gym clothes

Tues - 

Wed - Picture day

Thurs - gym clothes

Friday - gym clothes, orange shirt day

Monday, Oct 2 - NO SCHOOL

*Pictures to be posted from our walk soon!* Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

All for now!

- Mme R

Posted: September 18, 2023

Hi folks!

Students are getting into routine at school, I hope they are getting into the swing of things at home too. I try to post to our website each week along with our weekly reminders - it'll take me a bit to get into the swing of things too!

All students received their French levelled books today and are expected to read them each night. Most students also received an English levelled book to read each night as well. If your child has not received an English book, it will be sent home once I've tested them.

Also going home today is our first book order. Our class code is RC198054. Orders are due on or before Thursday, Sept 21st. Please see note attached to book order for further instructions.

Here's our class website to check out photos and reminders: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Reminders for this week:

Monday - change of clothes for gym

Tuesday - 

Wednesday - library day, meet the teacher in the cafeteria @6:30pm @KSE

Thursday - change of clothes for gym


*Our school's Terry Fox walk will be on Monday, September 25th.*

Posted: September 11, 2023

Hi folks!

Happy Monday! Have I mentioned how fabulous our class is today?! We have made great strides in our classroom routines and setting up expectations. They're doing great! I snapped a few pictures to post but of course our school website is down. Once I have them up, I'll send a quick shout out via email.

Students are currently being assessed in their sight words and reading levels in both French and English. I hope to have them done by the end of the week or early next week. Once this is established, you'll get a note to inform you of where your child is at and where we want them to be. Stay tuned! For now, homework is simply odds and ends, getting to bed early and starting good communication between home and school.

Cross-country has started up today with practices/meets afterschool. Since you have a list of practices/meets, I'm going to assume your child has arrangements made for pickup. A quick note in the agenda or email is appreciated to reassure your child all is a go.

Soccer permission pages are due tomorrow (Tuesday, Sept 11th) for those children that were interested. Practices for soccer start next week.

Here are a few routine reminders for you. All for now!

-Mme Robichaud

Reminders for this week:

Monday - already done, check!

Tuesday - 

Wednesday - our first library day

Thursday - change of clothes for gym

Friday - change of clothes for gym

Posted: September 5, 2023

Hi folks!

When I said we have a great groups of kids, boy was I right! Amazing day! We organized the class, started speaking in French and gained some points for free time to use tomorrow. You may find a bag of liquid glue, permanent markers and looseleaf in your student's bookbag. You can have these back and save them for next year - I have plenty.

Thank you to everyone for replying to my first email. Bussing was made easy this year! Clearly the parents and guardians are just as wonderful as the students! Also wonderful in our class this year is Mme Young. She is a UNB student-teacher who will be in and out of our class all year. Mme Andrée-Anne is also at our school for another year for small group activities in French.

If you still have items to bring in, feel free to send them in. Specifically, students will be needing their deck of cards. $2 Agenda & $6 recorder (grade 3 only) money is also being collected and a receipt will be issued when received, starting tomorrow.

All for now!

-Mme R

Posted: August 31, 2023

Hi folks!

My name is Maggie Robichaud and I will be your child's teacher this year. We have such a wonderful group of students! In our class we will have a nice balance of 9 grade 3 students and 14 grade 4 students. Don't worry - each child will complete work at their level. Nice try grade 4!

School starts for all of our class on Tuesday, September 5th and the cafeteria will NOT be open that day (nice try parents!). Throughout the week you'll receive lots of papers and memos, including one of what to expect in our class.

For now, I need one thing from you at this time. Please reply to this email and let me know what your child's after school arrangements will be for the first week of school. If they are going to be picked up, please let me know who will be picking them up. If they are going to take a bus, please provide the civic address of where they will be going. 

If you have any other questions, please reach out.

Looking forward to the year ahead,

- Mme Robichaud

Posted: June 21, 2023

Hi folks!

Two more days!!

We've decided to cancel tomorrow's biking day. There are some school-wide activities planned and we want to take part. So again, no need for bikes/scooters tomorrow.

Also, Friday is technically a full day. There are activities planned in the morning with the school. Report card will also go home that day. If you plan to pickup your child early on Friday or have different plans than usual, please let me know.

All for now!

Posted: June 19, 2023

Hi folks!

Last Monday reminder for the year! I can't guarantee it'll be my last email though.

*Any bikes/scooters brought today should be picked up by the end of the day.*


Monday: pick up bikes before the end of the day, gym clothes needed

Tuesday: Field Day at JMH. Sneakers, bagged lunch and dress/be prepared for outside all day.

Wednesday: Special meal in the cafeteria (only pre-purchased nacho available), King Street's Got Talent to begin

Thursday: Another bike/scooter day

Friday: King Street's Got Talent to finish, last day of school, technically a full day but students can be picked up early.

All for now!

-Mme R

P.S. Lots of pictures on our class site! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Posted: June 15, 2023

Hi Folks!

Tomorrow is our field trip to Hay Island. Please dress appropriately for the weather (raingear, bug spray, sunscreen). We will be leaving the school promptly at 9am. A bagged lunch and water is necessary. Here's to some great memories!

If you're looking to volunteer, we are asking for help with Field Day next week. It is on Tuesday, June 20th and the rain date is on Thursday, June 22nd. Please let me know if you're able to help one or both days! The school is also having a fun day for the K-2 students. They are really needing volunteers for that too - same days.

All for now.

-Mme R
