Mme. Robichaud Notes

Let curiosity take the lead


Posted: December 5, 2022

Hi folks!

Report cards go home tomorrow (Tuesday). Parent-Teacher interview times are in your child's agenda. If you need to change you time, please let me know.

Our Christmas Concert is Wednesday @12:30 (please note that the K-2 concert is at 9am). Please have your child dress-up and look their sharpest for the concert. If you need any help with this, let me know. The snow date is Thursday.

There is no school on Friday for students due to parent-teacher interviews.

All for now!

-Mme R

Posted: November 28, 2022

Hi folks!

Short week this week with no school for students on Friday. We also have skating Wednesday @9-10 @LBA. If you haven't already, please send in your Parent-Teacher Interview request information. I'll start sending times home as I get them.

Lastly, don't forget to check out oodles of pictures and videos on our class website! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

All for now!

Posted: November 24, 2022

Hi folks!

Just a super quick reminder that we go to the airport tomorrow. Like any day, please have your child ready with winter gear (coat, hat, mitts, boots especially) as we will be outside all morning. Also, to better encourage kids to dress warmly and appropriately for the weather, we have a class reward system going on.

Please check out our class website with some new pictures. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Posted: November 21, 2022

Hi folks!

Have you heard about my fabulous hardworking class? They are pretty great! So great that we will be having a guest speaker in our class tomorrow - a pilot! And, because they are such hardworkers, we will be going for a field trip to the airport this Friday (10-12)! We will be learning about Science concepts such as flight and get to try out a flight simulator while at the airport!

Thank you to everyone who has brought back all the items that have been signed - math and french writing (and soon English writing too). We will be moving on to our next units in the upcoming days. Here's what to expect:

  • MATH
    • Grade 3: Addition and subtraction, including regrouping.
    • Grade 4: Multiplication and division, mainly facts for now.
    • Grade 3: We will be learning about the Government! Their end of unit writing will be an opinion piece.
    • Grade 4: We will be learning about Canada! Their end of unit writing will be an information piece of a province.
  • ENGLISH - everyone will be writing a fictional story (possibly a Christmas story or they may have opted for another theme).

A few items: last chance for book orders! Also, the school ticket fundraiser is getting close to being maxed. If you have any purchases at home, get them in fast!

Good luck to any Grade 4 students interested in drama. Auditions start tomorrow! And to grade 4 basketball players - schedules have been sent home. If you have any questions, shout out!

All for now.

Posted: November 16, 2022

Hi folks!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is JERSEY day! And, there is no school for students on Friday.

Also, students were excited to bring home their first BIG piece of writing of the year. About half the class was finished so I sent those home today. Please sign and return. If you didn't receive one today, you will in the next few days. Math tests will head home tomorrow to be signed and returned too.

All for now!

-Mme R :)

Posted: November 14, 2022

Hi folks!

It's a point form week:

  • November's challenge was sent home on Friday. The last day to return those Math sheets is November 30th for the prize draw. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  • No school for students on Friday.
  • Don't forget to return any public library books. If it's easier, feel free to pass them off to me to return. I go there many times a week!
  • We have a new website: je lis, je lis. Passwords are in their agenda and specific levels have been assigned to each student. Feel free to use at home, especially if they forget their French reading book at school.

Our class did AMAZING in the Remembrance day concert. Please check out website for a couple of pictures. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

All for now!

-Mme Robichaud

Posted: November 7, 2022

Hi folks!

Please continue having your student read their guided reading book at home. Students are starting to move levels and it's great to see their hard work paying off.

Thursday, November 10th @9:30am will be our school's Remembrance Day concert. We have many members of our class involved through choir, laying/accepting wreaths, flag bearers, greeters and even the emcee! "Fancy" dress is encouraged for Thursday to show the seriousness of this assembly. A change of clothes is encouraged for the remainder of the day.

Housekeeping items:

- If any girl has happened to have come home with a few extra pairs of black leggings, please return them to the school.

- Grade 4 boys that signed up for Basketball and have returned their permission slip will have practice tomorrow (Tuesday) after school.


All for now! Never hesitate to reach out through email or your child's agenda if you have any questions!

Posted: November 4, 2022

Hi folks!

Book orders have been sent home this week. You can order online (please use classroom code RC198054). You can also order through me! If there's enough interest we can combine our orders together and save on shipping. THANK YOU for supporting your children and the class! Last month we ordered 8 graphic novels!! The "Bad Guys" series in French!

October Math challenge went over great! There were some challenging questions and I love that it opened some conversations about Math up at home. Hopefully no one pulled out their hair! Stay tuned for November's challenge - it will be due on November 30th.

Next week is a 4 day week with no school on Friday (Remembrance Day). Our Remembrance Day Concert with be on Thursday, November 10th @9:30am.

All for now!

Posted: October 31, 2022

Hi folks!

Happy Halloween! We had a packed day harvesting the last of the garden - carrots galore! We brought them in and made carrot fries while completing some work. Ended the day with homemade cupcake decorating as a treat from Mme Flannagan and I. Mme Andrée-Anne put on a special presentation as Sorcifée, a witch who lost her broom. Phew!

Last week was busy with Halloween events, pumpkin walk and library. I swear we do "real" work too! Check out some fun highlights on our website. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

Don't forget this week: Wednesday - skating from 9-10 @LBA. Skates and helmet required!

Congrats to Claire C who won our first monthly prize! She has chosen to steal my chair for 10 days! We reset the prize draw tomorrow with the start of the new month.

All for now!

Posted: October 24, 2022

Forgot to mention about Halloween treats!

You're welcome to send in treats for the class on Friday, should you choose. As usual, they must be nut-free. We have 21 students in our class.

Posted: October 24, 2022

Hi folks!

Students are working hard at their French and English reading. Keep going over word cards and guided reading books at home daily for homework. Awesome job!

A few things on the go....

  • Wednesday: we plan to walk downtown to the pumpkin walk for a literacy activity with Mme Prince's class. We will also be going to the public library.  Remember library cards! Please help your child choose appropriate clothing for the weather. If it's pouring, we will cancel.
  • Thursday: we will be going to JMH in the morning to watch our grade 5 students in their Blacklight show!
  • Friday: the school will be having Halloween celebrations. Costumes are for Friday! Any make-up is to be put on at home. No masks or props permitted at school.

Have a great week!

Posted: October 18, 2022

Hi folks!

Here's a few highlights of our busy classroom:

1. October Challenge: A bright orange page has been sent home with some English word problems and Math facts. This is an optional activity and mirrors what we are completing in class. For students who bring it back by October 31st, they will have their name put into a draw for a prize. Again, this is optional but also a good opportunity to see what we are up to in our Math class.

2. Sport Activities: Please note that afterschool activities such as cross-country and soccer are coming to a close this week. Congrats to all participants and their support teams for getting them to practices and games/meets! You did it!

3. Skating: Our class skating dates are Wednesday, November 2nd and Wednesday, November 30th. We are on the ice from 9-10am both days. A memo will be going home today regarding skates and helmets. Please sign and return. Volunteers are welcome to come tie skates and join in the fun!

4. Homework: Please continue to have your child read in English and French alternately for 10-20 minutes each night. Their guided reading books go home and return each day, along with their French word packs.

5. Halloween & Black Light: More information about these to come! Yes, treats are allowed to be sent in for the students. The exact "rules" on that will be sent home shortly. We have 21 students in our class.

All for now! Phew!

Posted: October 11, 2022

Hi Folks!

Reminder that guided reading French & English books, along with their practice words are to be sent back to school each day. We "work" these books for approximately a week before swapping them out. Students are moving along nicely!

Heads up that our class will be going skating twice in the month of November. May be a good time to size feet and helmets. A memo will go home closer to the date.

Lastly, we have a few guests coming in and out of our class. Mme Andrée-Anne works with the class Mondays-Thursdays on French oral proficiency and small reading groups. She is with our class for about an hour each day. Miss Erin comes in through Big Brothers Big Sisters to teach the SNAP program. This is aimed at having children to stop and think before they react. This week is Fire Prevention week. The firefighters plan to come in and do a presentation on Friday too.

Posted: October 9, 2022

Book orders were sent home last week. You can order and view online through Scholastics Canada. Our class code is: RC198054. There's free shipping for order $50+. If you have a bookorder, you're welcome to send in the correct amount (plus tax) and pool our orders together. If there aren't enough orders, I simply send it home. Worth a shot to save some money! Orders due to the class by October 13th.

Posted: September 22, 2022

Guided reading books have gone home today in both English and French. These two books will be sent home and returned each day along with their French word ring. Homework is to read each night for 10-20 minutes alternating English and French. Books will be exchanged weekly.

There is an orange sheet that explains their reading levels. Attached to it are white sheets with sample questions etc that you can ask your child. This package can stay home. Any questions, just shout out!
