Mme. Robichaud Notes

Let curiosity take the lead


Posted: September 21, 2022

The Terry Fox walk will be next Wednesday, September 28th. Grade 3 students will be walking with Mme Prince's grade 3s @9:20-10am. Grade 4 students will be walking with me and the other grade 4s @10-11am. Parents/guardians are welcome to join. Donations are encouraged (online or cash). Thanks in advance for your support!

Posted: September 20, 2022

Homework begins tonight! Each student will go home with a pack of word cards. These cards are specific to them. They are to read them each night and bring them back to school each day. We will be adding word cards throughout the year. Guided reading books will begin this week too! Please have students read their book for 10-20 minutes each night in French or English (alternating). I'm still testing in English so it may be a little longer for you to see those book home.

Posted: September 20, 2022

TOMORROW  (Wednesday, September 21st) 3/4 Robichaud *plans* to go to the Chatham Public Library for a morning visit. We will be walking there. Right now, the weather doesn’t look great but please dress appropriately. If it’s downpouring, we won’t go.

Students are WELCOME to bring their own library card to check out a book or two. If your child does not have a card and would like to sign up for one, we can bring an application home for a future visit. Library cards are FREE!

Posted: September 12, 2022


Student have been doing GREAT at getting our routines down pat and getting back into the swing of entire days in French. So impressed! They work hard each day for points of free time or special adventures. Next week we are hoping to take a walk to the public library for a visit, weather depending. Students are welcome to take a book out with their library card, if you allow it. A note will be sent home in the next few days.

Reminders for this week

Tuesday (tomorrow) is our Meet the Teacher night at King Street from 6:30-7:30pm. You're welcome to join if you'd like.

Wednesday is our Picture Day.

All for now!

Posted: September 6, 2022

Welcome to 3/4 Robichaud (2022-2023 edition)!

Hope everyone had a great day. There will be no homework for students this week as we are all getting back into the groove. Enjoy the weather, get some sleep and be ready for school.

Thanks to everyone for replying to emails and now getting those forms in. Once we have them all back, we will start putting up pictures on our class site.

Here's to a great year!

-Mme Robichaud :)

Posted: May 30, 2022

Is there such thing as not a lazy week?! Not at KSE!
A few things....
  • Today
  • Tuesday
    • Library Day
    • Spell-a-thon Awards
    • "Music Monday" performances
    • Mme Bianka's last day
  • Wednesday
    • Walk to school day. Students can meet at St Andrew's United Church at 7:45am to walk with staff to school.
  • Thursday
    • Gym
  • Friday
    • Gym
    • Going to JMH to watch their playPlease send in $2/student to cover ticket cost.
*As for homework - keep reading in both English & French. English books for their book report should be read, or mostly read for Friday if possible.*

Posted: May 25, 2022

Hi folks!
Here are a few reminders of upcoming dates.
FRIDAY May 27th 
  • Gum and/or hat day at school ($1 each)
  • Jersey day for Evan McFarlane (no cost)
  • Carnival day at King Street (no cost) - please have children appropriate for the outdoors with sneakers.
Please read each night with your child or have them go on Lalilo.


Posted: May 11, 2022

Me again!
The Spell-a-thon test is this Friday. We did a practice test in class today so they'd know which words give them the most grief. It's in their homework folder. Hope this helps! We will continue to practice in class tomorrow (Thursday).

Posted: May 10, 2022

Welcome to Tuesday May 10th!
Spelling Bee is on Friday. Everyone has their list and should practice some at home. We practice daily at school too.
"Mme Bianka" is our French Language Helper and has been working in our class for about 1 hour/day all year. Her last day is the end of May and she is expecting a baby girl! If you could send in $2/child we plan to get a gift card from the students.
Finally, we have a few field trips planned for June. We are hoping to keep costs down as much as possible but keep the fun up! Just wanted to give a heads up that they are on their way.
As always, any questions, feel free to reach out.

Posted: April 19, 2022

Hi folks!
Students in my class are asked to bring a pair of gardening gloves or mitts/gloves they can use as gardening gloves to school this week. We are hoping to get started on our garden and plant our garlic. 
Also, check out the bass photo challenge. It's an initiative to get the students of Miramichi out and bass fishing. Good luck fisherman!

Posted: April 8, 2022

Happy weekend!
Hope every is feeling well and/or on the mend! Here are a few dates to keep in mind...
  • Monday, April 11th = report cards being sent home
  • Tuesday, April 12th = library
  • Wednesday, April 13th = gym
  • Thursday, April 14th - Monday, April 18th =  no school for students!
Parent-teacher interview times will be found in the report cards. I was able to accommodate everyone at the time's they requested.
Also, our class website has pictures posted. Come take a peek into their school world!
Thanks for everything! Have a good one!

Posted: March 22, 2022

Hi folks!
Math Duatangs
These have been sent home and we've started a new one! Lots of hard work have gone into these pages. Please use them as you feel fit. A great example of what we've seen to date.
Solo Speech (only applicable to some)
Bright pink forms went home with instructions on next steps. If you need, email me your child's video and I can do the rest for you.
Free Special Meal
There is a *free* special meal in the cafeteria. It will served on March 30th. Orders are due by Thursday.
There's a $5 chess tournament if any students are interested. I've attached the flyer. To register, use the following information:

Posted: March 18, 2022

Hi Folks!
Just three things....
  • MONDAY will be wear different socks day in support of Autism Awareness.
  • Please encourage your child(ren) to speak FRENCH in the classroom. There's been a huge change since March Break.
  • Parent-Teacher can be virtual, on the phone, or in person this year. Please email me back to let me know your preference so I can start planning (and if you would like a meeting!).
Thanks! Have a happy weekend!

Posted: March 14, 2022

Hope daylight savings and first day back isn't kicking anyone's butt! A few things to keep in mind....
Mondays - gym
Tuesdays - library day
Wednesdays -
Thursdays - gym
Fridays - gym
Test Packs went home today with lots of work in it for your fridge. Please note the letter with reading levels on it for your information. Students are doing well with targets considering all the interruptions. They are sponges!
Book Order went home in the Test Packs too. Feel free to order online at any time (class code: RC198054) or via a class order by Friday (saves on shipping).
Thursday morning students will be working on their English biography project and may need to bring objects from home. Please check your child's agenda tomorrow (Tuesday) to see if they need anything.
All for now!

Posted: March 1, 2022

​Special Mealtomorrow! This was pre-ordered and was free. Nothing else available in the cafeteria tomorrow.
Homework: read book each night or Lalilo. If you're looking for extra books to read over the March break (7-11), please let me know.
Field Trip: We were supposed to go to the Ski Club but that's been cancelled due to weather conditions. Instead, we will be going to the Howard Street Outdoor rink on Friday afternoon and I'm buying everyone a hot chocolate to celebrate all their hard work. Students will need: skates & helmet, and outdoor gear. If you're able to join, please let me know. 
Work: Students have been wrapping things up learning about NB (Grade 3) and Canada (Grade 4). Tests will be on Friday. Here's what they will be about:
New Brunswick (Grade 3 students)
  • What is the capital?
  • Name 5 cities in NB.
  • Name the biggest lac.
  • Name some rivers (including the longest).
  • Name some mountains (including the heighest).
  • Activities/attractions in NB
Canada (Grade 4 students)
  • Name the provinces & territories and their capital.
  • Name some activities/attractions to do in various provinces.
  • Name the capital of Canada.
  • Name 5 of the bigger cities in Canada.
  • Oceans around Canada.
