Mme. Robichaud Notes

Let curiosity take the lead


Posted: March 13, 2023

Hi folks!

Welcome back. I hope you were able to spend some quality time with your child over the break and that the time change isn't too rough on your household.

Grade 3 parents: your child has a test in their Homework folder to be signed, corrected (if needed) and returned. Thanks!

Reminders for the week:

*Bring Agenda, Homework Folder, Guided Reading book & word cards to school each day!*

MON: gym clothes needed

TUES: recorder & music book

WED: recorder & music book, skating from 9-10 @LBA

THURS: gym clothes needed

FRI: gym clothes needed, wear green - it's Saint Patrick's day!


Next week: no school on Friday, March 24th.

All for now!

Posted: February 27, 2023

Hi folks!

We will be staying put at the school this week with no field trips! It's been a while since that's happened. Keep having your child read at home each night for homework.

Here are your (and my) reminders for the week.

DAILY - Proper winter attire for playing in the snow such as snow pants, hats, mitts, boots and jacket. Students get outside as much as possible and it's much more enjoyable when they are dressed properly. 

MON - School Spirit Day (KSE colours), need gym clothes

TUES - Career Day (come as what you want to be when you grow up), need their recorder

WED - Hat Day (wear a funny or favourite hat), need their recorder

THURS - Disney Day (wear disney clothing or dress as your favourite disney character), need gym clothes

FRI - Pajama Day (wear your PJs), need gym clothes


*Reminder that March Break is March 6-10th.* Many parents are worried about their children loosing progress over the March Break (or even if being absent for many days due to illness). Online platforms such as Lalilo and Splash Learn are still available during the break if you want some "good" screen time or keeping up with their skills.

All for now!

Posted: February 22, 2023

Hi folks!

A few more reminders for this week.....

  • Our Reading Bingo page is due next Wednesday on March 1st.
  • This FRIDAY there will be an optional dance in the gym at noon hour. This is a fundraiser for the grade 5 classes. To attend is $1 and glowsticks are $1. Money can be sent in tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday.
  • Our class website is updated with some sweet pictures. Enjoy! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (

All for now!

Posted: February 21, 2023

Hi folks!

We had a great field trip today with half the class going to Losier Hall and the other half heading back to Bridgeview. Some tough competition with the cards. Pictures to be uploaded soon!


Here are some reminders for the rest of the week:

Wednesday: PINK SHIRT DAY and don't forget to bring your recorder.

Thursday: gym clothes needed

Friday: gym clothes needed


All for now!

Posted: February 15, 2023

Hi folks!

We are going to the Nelson Ski Club tomorrow (11:30-2) to go CROSS COUNTRY SKIING! We had the chance at this last minute and I jumped on it! We are looking for parent volunteers to come join the fun. No experience necessary and there is equipment you can use at the club. Come play!

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS A PACKED LUNCH FOR TOMORROW (THURSDAY). Light snowpants, hat and mitts are suggested.

Friday will be a regular school day. Monday is FAMILY DAY (no school) and on Tuesday we will be going to Losier Hall and Bridgeview to play crib with some residents in the morning.

I think we are having too much fun!

All for now.

Posted: February 13, 2023

Hi folks!

Here are the highlights of the week to help stay organized....

Monday: already done!

Tuesday: recorder, Valentine's Day party (don't forget your Valentine's, treats for the class is optional)

Wednesday: recorder, wear red & white for Flag Day

Thursday: need your gym clothes

Friday: need your gym clothes & a school concert to attend in the afternoon


Here is the link for our class site to check out some pictures I've snapped from last week's Field Trip, Skating and Skiing.

All for now!

Posted: February 6, 2023

Hi Folks!

Here are a few reminders for the week….

MONDAY: Give yourself a pat on the back, we made it through!

TUESDAY: FIELD TRIP to Bridgeview Residence & Losier Hall. Pack a snack! We will be around for lunch if you need to order from the cafeteria.

WEDNESDAY: Skating @LBA @9-10, pack your recorder




A few more notes…

- Students are asked to pack their recorders on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Gym clothes are still needed on Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays.

- Reading bingo is due at the end of the month.

- Students are asked to bring in a box to be used to make a Valentine’s Day mailbox (no bigger than a cereal box). Valentine’s memo going home today too!


All for now!

Posted: January 30, 2023

Hi folks!

Today we had our SNAP graduation with cupcakes, a certificate, pencil and bracelet. Ask your student what it's all about! Here are some pictures to see: Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary ( Our SNAP reward will be a painting class and canvas with treats. We will be doing this on Thursday afternoon.

We've been learning about Lunar New Year and have made lanterns. Tomorrow (Tuesday), we will be decorating our laterns. If students have any special stickers or ribbons they'd like to bring in to decorate their lantern, they are welcome to do so.

Students have new guided reading books in English and French, along with French word cards to review at home on a daily basis. We fell off the wagon since Christmas and will have every one set-up once again by mid-week. Also, students have Lalilo accounts (in English & French) and Splash Learn accounts (for Math) if you'd rather do those at home for their 15 minutes of homework. It's all good and options and variations are helpful.

For February we will be doing a Reading Bingo instead of the Monthly Math Challenge. Students are to read their guided reading books for this, or an appropriate levelled book of their choice. Once completed, send it in for a ticket!

Tuesday & Thursday we will be painting in our class. Feel free to bring a change of clothes or paint shirt.

*Solo speech forms are due February 6th for those interested.*

All for now!

Posted: January 24, 2023

Hi folks!

Tomorrow is the Grade 4 scheduled test. It is on provinces and capitals. Here are some tricks we use in class: John lives in Terre-Neuve (Nwfl), Claire Vic lives in Colombie-Britannique (BC), Y goes with "W" (Yellowknife & TNO, Whitehorse & Yukon), a MAN flies a jet (Winnipeg, Manitoba), long places together (Charlottetown, IPE), the queen in Sask and ton and ta goes together Edmonton, Alberta.

Grade 3 students will have a Math test later this week. We have been practicing our subtraction with regrouping. Example questions: 623-521, 618-479, 508-148, and 489-197. We also complete questions like: 700-148. The trick there is that the 70 goes to 69 tens and 10 units.

Also just wanted to send a heads up that there are quite a few sore throats etc in class, interrupted sleeps etc. Some cranky kids! haha. Hoping everyone gets healthy super soon!

All for now!

Posted: January 20, 2023

Hi folks!

After a wild start to the week with a snow day, school delay and a gazillion fire alarms, we are back at 'er! We've been learning about important people who have made positive change for Canada and the US. So far we've discussed Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Barack Obama and Viola Desmond. I strongly encourage everyone to continue these conversations at home - not only during Black History Month but every month! The Lunar New Year is coming and we will be having a fun time on Monday making some paper lanterns. Students will be given a red envelope to share with you at home.

In Math, Grade 3 students have mastered addition with regrouping and now are working on subtraction with regrouping. We will then be moving on to basic multiplication. Grade 4 students have covered multiplication facts and are now concentrating on division. They will be moving on to multiplying 3 digit by 1 digit numbers. Getting to the big leagues now!

Science experiments and learning about the Scientific Method is in full swing. Grade 3 students are covering NB nature and animals. Grade 4 students are looking at countries of the world. In English we are puttering along too - finishing graphic novel unit.

Grade 4 students have a quiz on January 25th on NB provinces and their capitals.

As I type this out, we are learning LOTS!!! Best get back to the students! We have a lot to do. Pictures will be posted to our website later today of our week.

As always, feel free to shout out!

-Mme R

Posted: December 23, 2022

Hi folks!

Hoping you all have a safe and happy holiday. A big thank you for the small erasable markers for the class and all the goodies for Mrs Flannagan and I. See you all in 2023! Be well.

Posted: December 19, 2022

Hi folks!

We are zooming through the day. Here's a point form list of what to expect this week.

MONDAY - Wear red & white for candy canes. Working hard and having our last SNAP class.

TUESDAY - Wear white or winter items. The school will be having a school-wide sing-a-long in the morning. We will be finishing up lots of work.

WEDNESDAY - Holiday Christmas/Winter shirts. We will be having a Gingerbread building STEM workshop. Choir members (only) have a sing song in the cafeteria.

THURSDAY - Holiday headwear (hats, hair etc). In the morning we will be finishing our gingerbread buildings. Bring a stuff animal or blanket for a movie in the afternoon.

FRIDAY -  PJ DAY and school assembly. 1/2 day. School dismissed at 11:30. Please let me know if your child will be taking the bus or a pickup.



All for now.... I think.

Posted: December 12, 2022

Hi Folks!

  1. Christmas Dinner is being served to ALL students on Wednesday, December 14th (FOR FREE). Please let me know if your child would like/would not like a dinner.
  2. Secret Santa information is being sent home today. Please bring a gift back by Friday (or another date, just let me know) that simply says "From Secret Santa". Gifts will be exchanged next Thursday (December 22nd).
  3. Candygrams have all been ordered and paid for. JMH Students were lucky to have received way more than expected! They are gathering orders and will have started delivering them to classes this afternoon. Thanks for your patience!
  4. Next week (Dec 19-23) is theme week with various activities planned. Check your school calendar. We will also put them in their agendas too. Christmas cash draw is Wednesday, December 21st and there is 1/2 day for students on Friday December 23rd. We return Monday, January 9th.
  5. Class Memo sending home today: Our class is learning how to be CRIB. Slowly we are learning all the rules. With some help from JMH, we will be making our own crib boards and playing with some seniors in the new year. I strongly recommend digging out your playing cards! Math Field trip! YAY!

All for now!

Posted: December 8, 2022

Hi Folks!

Happy fake Friday! No school for students tomorrow as it is Parent-Teacher. Just wanted to let you know quickly of a few things before the weekend....

#1) Students have some writing pieces we are completing before Christmas. Grade 3 students are learning about the government and are writing an opinion piece of a rule or law they'd like to change. Their "homework" this weekend is to come up with something they'd like to change in the house, school, province etc. Ex. bedtime, screen time, chewing gum, driving age etc. Grade 4 students are learning about Canada and will be doing research on a province or territory other than NB. Their "homework" this weekend is to narrow down a province they'd like to learn more about.

#2) There's a pair of "Outbound" black winter boots that have been left at the school by our hooks. If they're your child's, please let me know!

All for now!

Posted: December 6, 2022

Hi Folks!

The students wanted me to remind all of you on what to return:

1. Envelope

2. Signature on Comment page

3. Secret Santa letter/page

Also, our school concert is tomorrow! Can't wait to see our fancy class!

All for now.

-Mme R :)
